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Online tax form queries


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I am doing an online form for the first time so I have a couple of queries.

1. Somewhere else on this forum I read that you must fill in 2047 first, then the 2042. But the online system runs you straight through to the 2042/2042C/2042IOM. Where do we get the 2047 from?

2. Whilst doing the figures in rough first on the paper forms, I put my wife's self employed earnings (from work in the UK) on 2047 Sect V Benefices des Professions Non Commerciales (I am assuming that is right) - but then where do we take that forward onto the 2042? Is it one of the boxes in 8 Divers?
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You have to press the button at the top that lets you "Ajouter ou supprimer une formulaire" to get other forms.  After choosing the ones you want, you can then toggle to and fro your 2042 and the others.

Sorry, can't help on your second question.

Chrissie (81)

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Thanks for that Chrissie - found it. Might have to go on the other lot to trawl for an answer to my second query.

Incidentally what happens on line to the sentence we added in writing ref exemption to social charges when on E121?
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[quote user="martyng"]Whilst doing the figures in rough first on the paper forms, I put my wife's self employed earnings (from work in the UK) on 2047 Sect V Benefices des Professions Non Commerciales (I am assuming that is right) - but then where do we take that forward onto the 2042? Is it one of the boxes in 8 Divers?[/quote]As I'm sure you've seen, it tells you to carry it over to the déclaration des revenus, section 5 - but there isn't a section 5 on the ordinary version of the blue form 2042.

The trouble is that there are several versions of 2042 and I think you need to get nº 2042CK, which is labelled COMPLÉMENTAIRE.  It contains a very long "section 5" and the general heading corresponds exactly to the instruction on the pink form (revenus et plus-values des professions non salariées).

But you then have to pick the right sub-section, and I'm afraid I don't know how you should do that, unless it's obvious from the nature of your wife's business.

Good luck!

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Apologies.  When I wrote 2042CK it wasn't a typo - I still have the form in front of me.  But on the list given in Cooperlola's link I see that it's shown as 2042-C, without the K.

Sometimes I think there's no hope for the French tax office.

(Cooperlola, you meant "2042", right?  - the blue form?)

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