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"OOh" Now the oil is going to be changed ,


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The Engine,

I want to say something with the beginner in mind, It really is easy to think "why the hell are his topics so long"

Well let me tell you, For the likes of myself and a lot of people this sort of thing is second nature "But" to those who are a little put off by doing servicing ???? I hope my way of explaining every little possible detail will help them to have a go, and i say to these people

PLEASE PLEASE try, it will save you a fortune and you will know that the oil going into your machine is top quality same as the Filter

And as we continue to the spark plug and HT lead etc you will know more when i have finished than you do now🙂 Ask your self this question how many ex-pats came to France & bought a run down place "But" when they lived in the UK they had not changed a light bulb, never mind do half the things they do now?????

I have said my peace Now lets change that Oil,

Firstly the engine is a soft metal in as the threads are easy to damage both by trying to remove a nut a sparking plug etc

If you start hitting the socket spanner thinking your loosening a tight nut, you may just find the complete metal area around the nut cracks, the thread rips and you my friend have a big costly bill to try and get these parts repaired so lets start to do the job correctly

The Engine drain plug on a RID-ON. You will as the norm find this nut at the bottom of the engine it may be on the left or right side of the mowers engine and it may be underneath the complete engine or at the side low down the engine, (your manual will show were or google the make year & model and you should get the info needed,

First remove the oil filler cap (this is we're you put the oil into the engine and this will be just under the hood (bonnet) clean this and put it we're you can find it later, Remove the engine DIP STICK again this may be under the BONNET or at the bottom side of the mower "left or right side" you"ll" have to look for it, Once found pull it out and if the engine is cold look at the marking at the bottom of the DIP STICK? You will see three little cut lines just deep enough to show a lower line/ middle line &/ Upper line these are your oil levels Remember to over fill an engine with oil is no good, so just under (very slightly) the top line is about right.  Now clean the DIP STICK And put it with the oil fill cap you took off earlier ,

Get you waste oil collector handy and you now need to remove the drain nut !! It should turn ANTI CLOCK wise it may be stiff but only use your own strength to loosen this nut and a good fitting socket spanner,  If you find this just wont move? Try using a hair dryer set high and wave it about all the nut area this may take a few go's but never use naked flame the heat is far to hot to quick and will crack the metal, You should not have much trouble removing it but just in case "Well you"ll know what to do" a little swearing helps😉 Once the nut starts to turn be ready with the waste oil collection tin, The oil will be cool (if engine not been running) and once the nut is removed the oil will just pour in the container "But" you will find the old copper washer !!!! remove it and do not let it go back "it's done it"s job fit the new one later,

Nearly finished this part, Now the Oil filter Again location is as the norm low down on the side of the engine, Locate it and you"ll soon see it is round and should have the details on it, ie type / make etc Now removing this can be a little bit of a task because it is round, it slips when you try to hand twist it off (Anti clock wise) So a loop wrench is the answer "All this is  its the same idea of the kitchen jam jar lid release tool to have in the kitchen, it is a loop connected to a handle and you can adjust the size of the loop to go over and around the jar and then you just twist the jar one direction and turn the loop in the other direction, (and then you find that it did  not work and so you hold the jar under the hot running water😃 But you can not hole the engine under a tap but you could try the jam jar loop ?? Or a more petrol heads way is to get your drill with a good long & wide bit and drill from one side through to the other, Now oil will pour out so catch it, then put your screw driver through the hole and twist anti clock and the filter will come off

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