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Lawn mower serivce and TIP's


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Evening Earth Lovers,

A bit of a late talk tonight (had a friend call) Hence a late start, But lets start,

Now Lawn mowers/ Tillers/ chain saw's/ Tractors  / I love them all and take great pride in keeping them in tip top condition,

So let me pass on some good & proved idea's regarding servicing and why one or two things are done when servicing your tools,

The Lawn mower no matter if it's a ride on or whats called a push mower. are all made to do the same thing "Cut grass"

Like any machine if it is kept in good order it will serve you for many years, If on the other hand you do not look after it ?

Then you start having problems and the grass will suffer as will your pocket when you find your paying out for parts or fee's for repair 's that need not have happen , Now we have Lawn mowers that work of an all electric power unit, One's that use fuel "Petrol

And ones that use a mix of petrol and oil (two stroke engine) And the ones that do not have any thing other than man or Woman power (you just push these )

I myself have a large grass Area  garden and i believe in having two mowers (1) the ride on and (2) the petrol engine walk behind mower (I will explain why later)

Lets look at what you need for the service and why,

I believe in being ready to do the job from start to finish and having all the items needed to do the job,

Item (1) The manual for that mower or at least a note book with all the information for that model of mower,  "WHY" because the likes of spark plugs / oil filter / Air filter:/ Belts / Tyre sizes, All these items are for your model and when you need to change them it is best to be able to supply the correct information knowing the item will fit correctly,

(2) Fresh Oil of the correct grade and amount for engine  (do not forget that the oil filter needs to be thought of when your buying enough oil to do the job)

(3) Oil filter, (important to get the correct size and fit  And understand how to remove it ?  (More about this later)

(4) Sparking plug (again the correct plug is "VERY VERY" Important  "NOTE" sparking plugs come in two sizes (a) long reach and (b) short reach, the reach is the amount of thread the plug has,    This thread is what screws the plug into the engine,

If you try to screw a long reach plug in an engine that should have a short reach plug (one with less thread) you will be putting the sparking plug far to deeper in the engine and when you try to start the engine the Piston will hit the plug and properly 

smash the piston head and cause great damage to the engine, So make sure you get the correct size sparking plug

(5) Sparking plug spanner "again correct size to fit plug head"

(6) Oil tray "This is a try to catch the engine oil " Make sure it is deep enough"  Old tin baking trays are a good item for this job

Know if your lawn mower draining is done from under the engine by removing a drain "Nut" if so a new copper washer is always a good idea    Or if your mower 's engine oil is drained via removing the oil filler tube and draining the oil this way

(7) contact breaker points "if your machine works off this method of supplying  the Spark to the plug then a spare set of points as they are known are always handy to have, get the correct ones for your machine,

(8) Strip of emery paper for cleaning points

(9) Feeler gauge set, (these are for setting the plug gap / contact breaker,

(10) Grease and grease gun   "the grease is for the packing of the wheel hubs (center of wheel s this area is greased packed on most ride on mowers and allows the wheel axle to keep greased for smooth running, And also the mower will have whats known a grease nipples (again use the manual for info on how many and the location of these grease nipples, the likes of the steering pivots and fan belt mounting, these need cleaning and re greased, /Battery terminals fittings & the nut's that secure the battery on ride -on mowers,

Cutter belt drives need to be free and not stiff so they can turn with ease, (Note do not get grease or oil on the belts or the inner side of the belt fitting area, (you want the belts on the ride-on mowers to fit tight and not slip because of oil or grease has got  on the belts)

If fitted with lights "spare bulbs of the correct AMPS/fitting ie screw in or pin fix bulbs

Battery , Make sure it is able to take a charge or re-place with one of the correct size to fit into the battery mounts &  amp's ie 6 or 12amp.

Spare distilled water for top up !!!!

Fuel additive for cleaning the Carburetter (this fuel additive helps keep the jet's clean so the fuel flows through the system with out causing blockage "very worth adding this to your petrol tank each time you top up.

My best mate  WD40 SPRAY

Well the check list above is well worth looking at pre starting to carry out your service, Tomorrow we will talk about doing the service starting with the petrol driven engine of a ride on and as we go I'll point out some danger points regarding fire's on your lawn mower and problems caused in lawn cutting.

Well as i said this check list is well worth looking at

Tyre's Check to see if they are in good order ? And are not worn out ? And will inflate and hold Air, (more about Tyre  and problems they can cause to your lawn.

(11) Oil can for the oiling of all opening devices such as  engine bonnet/ seat mounts / 

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18 hours ago, Henry100 said:

Battery , Make sure it is able to take a charge or re-place with one of the correct size to fit into the battery mounts &  amp's ie 6 or 12amp.

Perhaps you would like to edit your post, removing the current values and replacing them with the battery voltage. i.e. 6V or 12V.

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Hi Hectors dad,

I hope Hector is well and keeping fit,

Now I am not sure what your asking me? But if it helps you what i am saying is If you have one of the older lawn mowers they tend to have batteries the size of a car battery and are heavy and if you find the battery is past it's best ? Buy a new one "But make sure you get the correct powered battery and that it fits into the mounting (fixing) brackets on your mower,

As i am sure you know when you go to buy a battery you will come across all sizes and power's so make sure what you are trying to replace will both fit into the battery housing & it is the correct power some of the older lawn mowers are 6volt & some are 12volt,

Now the newer electric mowers have much smaller size battery (the one i have is about 4inch long x 3 inch wide and fits in a housing unit (the plug in section for the battery)  Again the makers of these lawn mowers want you to buy all the parts for the mower from them !!! Hence it is your job to make sure you get any new battery (in this case ) parts from them and so the battery supplied with the mower 9x out of 10 will only fit their make of mower ,   Same as the battery charger for these modern batteries are made so that only that battery can fit into the charger when the battery needs charging.

So make sure you know what your doing if you find your modern battery had died and you need to buy a new one,

I hope Hector this has helped explain what i was talking about,

The main thing Is have all the tools and items you need to do a complete service so when your putting the mower away for the winter you will be ready to re-fuel & charge the battery for starting the machine for it's first cut in the spring and not get caught out with No battery and have to wait to replace it months later.

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11 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

Nice post HENRY.


BTW, I need to buy a multiculteur. 

I need to landscape what is at the moment a field into a ‘jardin anglais’

So that means churning up lots of grass.


Any advice would be much welcome. Specifically on the type and size I should buy.

Hi alittlebitfrench said

What a gob full,

Anyway i have so much to help you I would like to reply in full a little later on "if that's OK ?

So get back to you soon.

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Greetings to all you snail racers,

Well I am going to go into the service of the Mower's first,

The Ride-on  other wise known as the big boys toy,

Now i would like to start by explaining why i feel you should think about buying a ride -on brand new,

Now i have for many years learnt the saying you never get quality cheap, And if you buy new not only are you buying something that has done no work and you will be the only one to drive it /service it's needs/ And you should get at least one years  guarantee , Now having said this i am only saying buy a new Ride on (unless you know the owner selling one very well and if he is like me he/she is a petrol head that must have his vehicles A1 every time,  "I have just popped out into the Barn to say good night to my car & cover it up")🥲 A used or whats known as second/third/fourth  "1 Lady rider,

Mower you have no idea how many hours that engine has been working, how many times to previous owner thought the ride on was a bit like a Tank and can chop up the sides of grass banks, when the belt was last looked at??????

All these things can have a big grown hunk of a man in tears when he's paid for what he thought was the buy of a life time

And the truth is it was the sale of a life time for the seller  And why was she/He selling it anyway?

Now when buying what should you look for ? An early Devorce comes into mind And the wife's voice  "HOW MUCH"

A couple of points to think about And the first really seems odd to be saying "Make sure you buy a good make so  When needed you can get the parts , Even the very makes do have parts that wear out and need changing (Take the parts of the machine that really work hard "The belt" if you can not get a replacement within a day at the longest your  Big boy's toy is doing no grass cutting,

So (1) A well known Make of machine good machines do not go through parts as quickly as the cheaper machines,

(2) The comfort in sitting on the seat and that look you want the neighbors  to see, sleek and a big show off, Not some long armed monkey pose and the neighbors talking bets that you'll fall off any minute now and the cameras are out?

You want a seat that can be adjusted and better a hard plastic seat that can be cleaned & folded towards the steering wheel when your leave the machine for dinner or to tell the neighbors you can not wait until the grass grows again and you can cut it🤪

(3) Lights ,,,??? Do you really need lights ?  Well the ride-on i have is the first one i have owned with lights and i am pleased i have them "if only for parking in the barn when i running in to barn in the dark (i park behind my pride and joy of 35yrs (no not her) my car And i do not want to run into that, And on the more better made mower you get light anyway,

(4) Grass collection box/basket ?   Yes Yes Yes, I say this for two reasons (a) If you take your lawn seriously you do not need me to tell you it is not a good idea to have any cut grass over 2inch laying on the lawn (take a look at bowling greens) you never see  cut grass turning yellow as it dies on the Lawn , And all the grass you collect in the Box Is the future aid for composting and so if you compost right (more about this subject later) You will be putting the compost back into the garden.

(5) Do you want a mower with a wide two (2) blade cutting device or one blade? Well this is up to you, i have a two blade cutter But as i have said i have 2 acre lawn plus the banks outside our house that i cut, But it is your choice and the price difference between the (1 & 2) cutter blades is not great really for what you get (do not for get we are going for quality a long life machine )

(6) The decking of the machine (this is we're the blades are covered and this decking sits under the floor of the machine

(your brake peddle / and reverse peddle and your feet all are on the top of this floor and directly under it is the cover for your blades and belts, Now on a good model of mower you will have an connection point we're a hose pipe can be connected on to this metal (looks like tube sticking up ) and this tube leads to under the belt cover and it has two cut out sections of this connection that you wont see unless your looking under the mower skirt (be very careful the neighbors do not see you looking under skirts, you'll get a bad name and they'll never leave washing out again while your around, you have been warned🤣

Now when you connect the hose- pipe to this connection on top of the skirt and turn the water on, The water gushes through the two cut-out sections of the connection, (some models you turn the connection to open the water flow)

it is now you start the engine making sure the brake is on and the gear selection is in park  and the skirt is lifted in the up position  very slowly

increase the speed of the engine, Now the blades are turning and the grass that has gathered around the underside of the skirt will be getting washed off, This device is a time saver for use just after the machine has done the work and will be getting put away

Tip ref fire!!!

As i am sure Ride-on owners will agree you will be amazed how much dead grass collects under the mower and both on top and under the skirt / around the rear of the mower near the connection hooks were the rear grass collection box fitting are, Now if left from the last grass cutting period you leave this dead grass and do not clear it away "All the dead stuff) The very next time you take the mower out you have a very good chance because of the heat of the engine, the dry grass stuck between moving parts (the belt driving disc/belts themselves all cause friction just like rubbing sticks of dry wood together, And before you know it you have a fire, and the fuel tank is very close to all these danger area's at the rear of your mower and in the front is the engine and fuel pipes again a risk of fire, and a risk of saying goodbye to your expensive big boys toy and the neighbors would love to be taking pictures🤑

So take the warning clear away all the grass etc, i use the water /compressed air blower,

Well we have talked about what to think about for your ideal mower and its needs, You can go mad and have mirror's

Now the make i have built up to owning after having some real crap used models Is the John deer, I never have problems getting parts and you can get a towing bar and trailer should you want to use it for the transporting your garden tool around etc,

Now for a little surprise This is not the best grass cutting device i have seen,

When i lived in north wales I saw the very best grass cutter i have ever seen but the owner would not sell it to me, It cut the grass so perfect, even in rain / snow and it was so economic you would not believe it, the owner would smile at me when he saw me filling my Jerry can up , and i do not think i ever saw him  getting petrol for his grass cutter!!!!!

What make did he have I hear you asking ??

Well i'll let you know  I





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Well Ive kept you all in suspender' all night trying to work out the Make of that welsh Lawn Mower ?

Anyone get it ?


The make was a SHEEP !!!

Best four legged lawn mower ever😁

No petrol needed, And if your any good with the needles you could knit another one.

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