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What can you see through your window today


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Good morning one and all,

Well you would not believe it is December the sun's trying to shine and it is nice and not to cold,

The weather people have said one day this week here it is going to be 16deg, So any outside things you need to do ? that's the time to do them,

The birds in our garden are all happy and flying from one bird feed to the next,

I gave my nearest Neighbor a bird feeder for Christmas and she' has it hanging outside her washing machine room,

So as I return from our walk it's the last thing we see as we go down our path,

No much sign of people out today, "not that we see many living here" But we do hear the odd car passing on the road,

The Old Lady did beep as she drove her Tractor down the lane, she is in her 80's so i am told and still a very active woman,

The cow's are not in the field today but the huge Bull is, he'll be there a lone for a few month and then the young cow's are let in so he can have a lot of company,

Well time for a log filling of the log bin for to nights fire, I do not think we'll be lighting the wood burner until this after noon,

But i must tell you of one of the 5 wild cats we have been looking after, We call him oriole, And he is the one cheeky kitten who always pushed his luck when it came to being first to get the milk/ food just as you lay the dishes down, Anyway he would run inside the kitchen doorway have a quick look around from about 3 feet inside and then run out again, He would allow you to stroke him when he was drinking , But that's about as friendly as he got, Until last night,he came in and sat by one of the dogs for a while and then spent 4 hours sitting on the settee by the wood burner being stroked, at 11pm the dogs have a chance to do their business in the garden and this little cat went off for his nightly hunt, But it's nice to see after all the trying to keep all 5 alive (one has shown trust in us)

Well have a nice one folks,šŸ˜‰

And rememberĀ  "FEED THE BIRDS"

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Greetings to you all,

Well I made it through the night, "Yes" I kept waking up to make sure i was still herešŸ˜‡

The weather"s not looking to good and i got a little damp as I walked down the track and through the woods,

You would not believe this is December some of the bushes/trees have buds on them,

I have been told we are off to the larger town some 20km away (her indoors got one of those "we have a sale notices")

And so we're off to buy bedding,

Why i just do not know, Nothing wrong with the pillow cases etc we've gotĀ  "But the boss has said if we should have a need for the emergency services to come into our bed room "she wants to be sureĀ  (the bedding is the best, not like our oldest neighbor who died was laying in)Ā Ā Ā  He lived alone and lay in his bed for three weeks before they found him "

I said,"Ā Ā  No wonder his bedding smelt a bit,

But i must admit this did remind me of my own granny, (i lived with them for years) And gran who tell me (as a little Lad)

You make sure you have clean fresh under-pants on, You never know if a number 13 bus will run you over and you don"t want those nurses to find you have dirty under pants onĀ  "Now do you"

Are all women crazy about such things?

But the good side is we're going in my pride and joy and so I am looking forward to the drive, I'll be in my leather driving seat with Arm rest down and the C.D. Playing good Irish musicĀ  and (she who must be obeyed safe in the boot)

Well folks that's about it until later so be good,

And remember Feed the birds,šŸ˜‰

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Morning ALL

Well it's a wet one today and a day for doing indoor things,

Ive not said beforeĀ  But i do like to try my hand at cooking and after i have said good morning to you lot I am off on a two way ride, One to the local Marie (The Army want proof i am still alive) And the dreaded super market for some bread riser,

And then the big Bake off, Home made bread and an apple tart, SO the kitchen will have that smell of baking thisĀ 


I had a visitor last night (nearest neighbor) He lost an eye a few months ago due to bending down to clean his teeth in the bathroom and something sticking out from the wall caught his eye and now the sight has gone in one eye,

It goes to show you never know whats around the corner in life, But he was a good laugh, and we rolled about laughing at life in general and the more we drank the more we laughedšŸ˜Š

It is nice to see someone get over such a loss and at his age, 90yrs,

He'd bought himself an Electric bike only this last summer and he did ride it all over the place, Now he says he 's not sure if he will or not And he drives a classic french car, (he's had it almost from new) and again he is not sure if he's allowed to drive anymore,

Well the best time here on a market day to visit the supper market is after 12 noon, So by the time i have provedĀ  I am still alive ?Ā  I'll make the supper market in peace perfect peace,

Be good and remember F.D.B.Ā  ( HintĀ Ā Ā  TWEET TWEET)


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