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Somebody ‘Up There’ isn’t happy with me !


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It all started in July.

A new neighbour decided to have a 5m x 3m monocoque swimming pool delivered.  Fine, but we live at the top of a 300m lane which is no more than 3-ish metres wide.  No consideration by way of advance warning so that we could make alternative access arrangements - instead we were ‘blocked in’ for four hours while this thing was craned in by a lorry in reverse.  It took 4 hours ........ and wiped out our ligne fixe.

They said that they’d report the problem, but I had no confidence.  Since early July, I’ve logged the damage on the SFR website multiple times, but no response.  Tried to speak to a human being on the phone, but virtually impossible.  Meanwhile, no phone and no internet (have got by with our mobile phone & Bluetooth).

Then the water was cut off regularly during the height of the canicule.  Nothing particularly unusual in that - many on here will have suffered that difficulty.  However, our son and his Czech partner (they both live & work there) were here at that time.  She said to us “I thought that I was the one who was supposed to live in a third world country”.

A result this week though - SFR rang to say that they’d send a technicien in 1 - 2 days.  This was after some diagnostic checks to validate that it really was a damaged line.  They’ve subsequently rung again to say “Actually, 3 - 4 days”.  Pretty good service - 4 months.

And then the latest.  The power went off at 17.00 yesterday.  Cheese & pickle sarnies to eat last night.  Enedis website said that we’d be back by 22.00.  We weren’t and still nothing this morning.  No signs of any blue vehicles!

I went out to the local DIY shed to buy some battery-driven lighting and on my way saw a couple of Enedis wagons heading the other way.  Sure enough, on my return the cavalry had fixed the problem (tree branches had wiped out our cable) - they told me that most of their ‘fixes’ were for that very problem.  It was a 23hr outage - Mrs G not a happy bunny !

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"And then the latest.  The power went off at 17.00 yesterday.  Cheese & pickle sarnies to eat last night.  Enedis website said that we’d be back by 22.00.  We weren’t and still nothing this morning.  No signs of any blue vehicles!"

That's why we invested in a decent quiet generator and the switchery to safely connect it to the house and barn electrics after our last long term power cut due to a storm of about two and half days.

Not a problem with cooking - we use propane or if all else fails the Esse wood-fired cooking stove.

Never put all your eggs in the one basket - always have a back up.

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  • 1 month later...

 Just a little update.

Our ‘ligne fixe’ still broken - many, many conversations with SFR to try to get a technicien to come and repair things.  Loads of promises, zero delivery.

Had a more promising conversation with somebody from their ‘service technique’ last week - he wanted to know my name & prenom.  “Well, its on the screen in front of you, is it not?”. I give up really.

Went to our Repas des Aines last Saturday.  Really nice ‘do’, as always.  Problem is that Mrs G & I, plus our very good British friends have all gone down since then with the dreaded Covid !

Now, none of us is seriously ill.  Happily, just feeling really rotten, but will get better sooner rather than later.

None of this is anybody’s fault - somebody brought the lurge with them & unknowingly passed it on to more than a few. Already hearing of others who’ve got it.

The message is .......... be careful, folks.

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