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And so the Hunting season claims another victim


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Lehaut, I wonder if this is news?  Yes, a shocking thing to say when someone has died.  But really doesn't this happen EVERY hunting season?

OH who is old enough to have been conscripted in the UK always expresses horror at the careless and amateurish handling of their guns by hunters.

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Brits under the age of 80, few of whom have never been near any form of armed service, tend to go bananas when offered the chance to use a firearm. Something they know nothing about and for which they have no respect.

The average rural Frenchman, even though liable to partake of a few bevvies when on a so-called hunt, at least has some idea of safety.

Edited by ssomon
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10 hours ago, ssomon said:

Brits under the age of 80, few of whom have never been near any form of armed service, tend to go bananas when offered the chance to use a firearm. Something they know nothing about and for which they have no respect.

The average rural Frenchman, even though liable to partake of a few bevvies when on a so-called hunt, at least has some idea of safety.

A Frenchman kills a woman and Brits are somehow are implicated! Presumably you , at least, feel there is some connection but I doubt anyone else does. Surprised you didn't include Brexit!

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Several people are killed every year during the hunting season, all of them accidents but accidents that can be avoided. By definition though an accident is, well an accident!

I target shoot and have several guns. At the range the protocol is very strict. No gun is ever loaded unless it is going to be used. When not being used it is unloaded and left untouched. The weapons I use range from Magnum .38 to a .22 target pistol, both very deadly. Others have a range of weapons that are even more powerful.. In over 23 years there has never been an accident of any description. Wth this latest hunting accident carrying a loaded rifle over the shoulder, with or without the safety catch on is crass stupidity, it shouldn't happen. Familiarity with guns is partly to blame but is no excuse. An avoidable accident. He has to live with his stupidity now!!

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I agree with the comments that hunting accidents occur every year in France.  The only reason I thought this particular incident was of interest/newsworthy was that the person killed was a British woman.

Range shooting is very different to hunting. (I have done both)

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32 minutes ago, Lehaut said:

I agree with the comments that hunting accidents occur every year in France.  The only reason I thought this particular incident was of interest/newsworthy was that the person killed was a British woman.

Range shooting is very different to hunting. (I have done both)

Indeed they are different; With one you kill, maim or wound deliberately; or accidentally! The other , on a range, is safer and you don't kill or pander quite so much to the 'macho' image!!

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9 minutes ago, Loiseau said:

Blimey, I just read the piece and see she was shot by her partner.

That's why I assumed he is also British. Other reports I have seen since give his name, which is fairly obviously French, so I was mistaken.

I still have the same views about Brits and guns. The majority are just not used to them being around.

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Familiarity is more than likely the reason the woman was killed. I see these 'hunters' all the time down here in the Pays Basque and many of them simply do not adhere to basic rules regarding weapons. It is understandable because they are wandering around for hours and days with a loaded weapon and they become blasé but non the less it is irresponsible. When handling a gun, any type of gun certain rules are not for interpretation.

The man is being investigated by the Police and , I understand, has been charged with some form of manslaughter. There is a possibility of a prison sentence but I have never heard of one, at least no one actually being locked up, a suspended sentence is more likely; perhaps with a hefty fine. As for the majority of Brits not being used to guns, a rather ridiculous thing to say. I'm a 'Brit' and have had guns for many years as have many other 'Brits'  I don't know of any Brit who has killed someone in a hunting accident or even murdered someone with a gun in France!

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18 minutes ago, ssomon said:

I don't really believe you represent the majority of Brits, however many guns you have😀

I do not pretend to represent the majority of Brits. neither do I, as you do,  profess to know what the majority are like. I know what some are like though!!

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