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curious exchange rate graphs today


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Not sure why you think they are curious Sweet 17.


The Euro is weakening.  The pound is weakening, but not as much as the Euro - so the pound seems to be strengthening against the euro but falling against the dollor.

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Andy, I knew there had to be a logical explanation!

It's just that the graphs looked so eye-catching, going in different directions.  Of course the close calibrations of the vertical axis tend to exaggerate the movements.

Pacha.....as you know, when I was househunting, I felt that I'd rather have another house than put money into banks.  So houses aren't "safe" either but at least I can touch it and see it and use it![:D][;-)]

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True sweet property in france will beat inflation in euro terms.

Nearly bought a row of garages in Parthenay at around € 40,000 with a nominal return of around 10%.

On the Swiss Franc/ Euro in the last 12 months it has gone from around 0.85 to the euro to around 1.17, although hovering on 1.14 today, an appreciation of about 30%.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, Pacha!  You back from your travels then?

So.....nothing new then; I mean the Swiss and their money!

Wonder if that other Swiss stalwart, Roger Federer, will fare well at Roland Garros on Sunday?

bonne journée, Pacha.....off to do some walking now the weather is cooler....

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All of Shropshire between; so the archers are out of range; just as well as it is in a hollow.[:)]

[IMG]http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk244/pachapapa/SANY0006.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk244/pachapapa/SANY0007.jpg[/IMG]

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sterling-euro rate 1.12 when I looked a few minutes ago.....so, it looks like it's bits shaved off sterling like some carpenter planing off bits of wood; feels like a progressive slide....not good [:'(]
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