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4 hours ago, betise said:

Ken, your comments are both patronising and insulting. Before judging others, take a look at yourself. 

I am French, yet I can criticize France if I wish, I am British, yet can also criticize the UK, I am not blind to the faults of either country.

My comments are patronising and insulting! You look at one side of this 'discussion' and opt 


40 minutes ago, NormanH said:

"I seem to have touched a nerve! "  You haven't but you want to since   the main reason for many of your "contemptible" posts (to use your own word) , is to irritate other posters, rather  than  serving a  useful purpose such as  providing   useful or helpful information. They  are simple assertions based on your ignorance, which is why you are so against "links".

Take an example from your post "go the whole way" means once naturalised , give up the original Passport"


1) You give no guidance on what   you mean by "give up the original Passport.' Do you mean not renew it,  or is there  some other mechanism for giving up Nationality to which you are privy but  which you  are too lazy to reveal.

2) How do you know I haven't ? You don't so by definition you are ignorant.






Oh! I think I have touched a nerve! Again, you have said nothing other than to try and be insulting. I didn't have to give guidance, I was perfectly clear in what I meant. Someone with a modicum of intelligence would have understood it As to whether you have given up your passport or not is of no interest to me. In fact I never named you! A guilty conscience perhaps!!

As for links, again I prefer to give my thoughts rather than someone else's whose thoughts are the same as mine anyway,!which is exactly what you do. Why provide a link ion it simply supports your view? Still carry on it ,obviously makes you feel good!!

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Norman, DB & Betise ........

It’s entirely up to you of course, but I’d suggest that you simply ignore this individual.

This is a very typical ‘Ken’ thread, where he accuses others of being “insulting”.  I’ve been back through all the posts and the first (and I’d say) only insulting ones came from him!

As for the (regularly wheeled-out) accusations of being ‘socialist remainers’ ......... it beggars belief.  I didn’t once name him as ‘Last Word Ken’ for nothing - he’ll go on and on and on .........

I’ve suggested once before that this bloke needs professional help, but rather doubt that anybody on here would be qualified or inclined to provide it.

As suggested, ignore him ........ but it won’t be the last word from ‘Last Word Ken’.

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1 hour ago, alittlebitfrench said:

I am guessing your son speaks perfect French. So why would France prevent your son from being a Pompier ?

Is this a Brexit problem of a French problem ?

In terms of your last point, millions of people from outside of the EU work in France and elsewhere in the EU. 


He's been a volontaire for several years but to be a full time pompier he needs French nationality, it's a Brexit problem.

Without an EU nationality you cannot flit from one EU country to the next for work which again is a Brexit problem.  

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16 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

He's been a volontaire for several years but to be a full time pompier he needs French nationality, it's a Brexit problem.


Indeed, full time professional pompiers in France are fonctionaires, and to be a fonctionaire you have to have French nationality.

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27 minutes ago, Gardian said:

Norman, DB & Betise ........

It’s entirely up to you of course, but I’d suggest that you simply ignore this individual.

This is a very typical ‘Ken’ thread, where he accuses others of being “insulting”.  I’ve been back through all the posts and the first (and I’d say) only insulting ones came from him!

As for the (regularly wheeled-out) accusations of being ‘socialist remainers’ ......... it beggars belief.  I didn’t once name him as ‘Last Word Ken’ for nothing - he’ll go on and on and on .........

I’ve suggested once before that this bloke needs professional help, but rather doubt that anybody on here would be qualified or inclined to provide it.

As suggested, ignore him ........ but it won’t be the last word from ‘Last Word Ken’.

The obvious way would be for the Moderators to make sure he couldn't continue to wreck the Forum with these 'troll ' tactics:


It can sometimes become difficult to tell the difference between a troll and someone who just genuinely wants to argue about a topic. However, here are a few tell-tale signs that someone is actively trolling.

  • Off-topic remarks: Completely going off-topic from the subject at hand. This is done to annoy and disrupt other posters.
  • Refusal to acknowledge evidence: Even when presented with hard, cold facts, they ignore this and pretend like they never saw it.
  • Dismissive, condescending tone: An early indicator of a troll was that they would ask an angry responder, “Why you mad, bro?” This is a method done to provoke someone even more, as a way of dismissing their argument altogether.

if a troll  begins to clog up a thread, you can also opt to report them to the site’s moderation team. If your report is successful, the troll may be temporarily suspended or their account might be banned entirely.

There are a couple of posters here that seem to fit that description (if they aren't in fact the same person posting under two names)



Edited by NormanH
deleting repetition
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39 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

He's been a volontaire for several years but to be a full time pompier he needs French nationality, it's a Brexit problem.

Without an EU nationality you cannot flit from one EU country to the next for work which again is a Brexit problem.  

That is an EU problem not a Brexit problem.

They are crying out for peeps to become pompiers in France.

If my house is burning down or my family are trapped in a car after an accident, I really don't care who is the nationality of the person saving my house/or my family.


It is a French attitude problem. 

If your son speaks fluent French then he should be able to become a pompier. IMHO. 

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34 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:


They are crying out for peeps to become pompiers in France.

If my house is burning down or my family are trapped in a car after an accident, I really don't care who is the nationality of the person saving my house/or my family.


It is a French attitude problem. 

If your son speaks fluent French then he should be able to become a pompier. IMHO. 

With you on that, they will take foreigners as voluntary pompiers, but to become a professional you must be French.  But both are equally able to rescue you or your family ALBF.

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6 hours ago, betise said:

Ken, your comments are both patronising and insulting. Before judging others, take a look at yourself. 

I am French, yet I can criticize France if I wish, I am British, yet can also criticize the UK, I am not blind to the faults of either country.

 In what way should I be looking at myself? I only have one passport. I have not said countries can't be criticised, of course they can though It is extremely rare for me to criticise any country, Macron yes but that is usually in defence of Britain as he is intent on doing it harm. As for patronising and being insulting, well you don't do such a bad job yourself and you are quite selective when it comes to accusations! Dual nationality is, as I have said, something people use to their advantage as Draytonboy has pointed out. Presumably, claiming to be both French and British also gives you the option of a safety net should one be required!!!

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