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Avis income 2010


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Has anyone not yet received theirs? I only ask as this is the first year we've been non resident and although the tax office say it's been done, we've not received ours although my mother has.

I tried to look on line but I don't have my teledeclarant number and they won't give it to me over the phone.

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I know that ours are always late (miraculously this year it's the first time that it's arrived before CPAM's deadline for sending them a copy[:-))]) because the submission deadline for the Sarthe is one of the last since we're so far down the alphabet.  I'm surprised about Manche, though.
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We always seem to have this problem, but it unnerves me a little as a couple of years ago they decided to investigate my travelling costs. It was all sorted eventually, but caused me a lot of upset and grief. Especially as I used to work for HMRC.

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Just outside Wycombe.Know Aylesbury well as we bought a house there originally but it fell through, my sister went to school there and my brother lived there. Visted it for the first time in 13 years in 2007, ithas certainly changed from our visits every friday to Friars and the bowling alley.
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We got ours from the Centre de Non Residents in Noissy about two weeks ago.

As usual it says no tax paid or to pay on it, would that it were the case, we had paid rather a lot 'retenue a la source' and I think it is dishonest for them to say '0'.

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  • 2 weeks later...
We finally received ours yesterday. I had spoken with our tax office first thing in the morning and they said it had been sent mid August, so I requested a duplicate. When the original arrived, it was postmarked the 2nd of September. It's also less than last year which is great.

milkeybar, I'd suggest a quick trip to your local tax office and you can then ask about both your avis and the foncière.

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