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Damage to property in Corsica?


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We'd like to buy a remote house on a hill in Corsica with a view of the sea. We've thought about the upper part of the west coast, perhaps around the Gulf of Porto, but we've a lot of research to do about exactly where.

How bad are the problems from local nationalists damaging our house? Like everyone else we've heard the stories about houses burned down, but we have little information about how frequent this is. Is this sort of action a thing of the past now? Do the nationalists only target large modern touristic developments? How are their targets chosen? Would buying a old remote house make things better or worse? Are there particular parts of the island where this is more frequent?

All information welcome.
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There was a wonderful Australian Bruce Brown Surfing Film called Endless Summer. Now we have something similar but inverted....Years of reading pommie letters re France and colonies has cemented that there is another theatricality about.."endless paranoia"...I have never seen so many 'please sir may I's"..

Look!!.. go to the bloody place...find a place to buy..talk to your neighbours,ask then to keep ane eye on the place when you are not there..leave them a dozen really good wines and buggar off  until next time!!Ask an agent to keep an eye on it..stop bloody worrying..Pommies are unpopular, VERY unpopular as are we after this nutcase Bush has dragged the brown nosers along with him into mass murder on behalf of Israel......The world KNOWS we are weak minded serfs and gutless voters; the world of Europe doesn't WANT to be taken over by British " know it alls" or soccer louts (look at the TV series on pommies buying in France and spain..my God what idiots are bred there in the UK and somehow get a cretin based TV series made by TV cretins!!!!)


Stop WORRYING about little things and seeking easy answers from 'friends" In sites like this  about 3% know anything about facts which are worth passing on...so use this as a sort of lonely hearts website and get on with life by doing it yourself..ok. As for buying in Corsica.I would!! ok...but for Christ's sake join the locals ..don't try TE Lawrence or "we are the best we are British" approaches...


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What a charmer you are trescio!!...I'd consider myself lucky to have any replies at all , so unappreciative Trescio, as you don't seem to have a clue yourself....and if you can't see the commonsense in what I have said (God only knows what other anwers you have had. in 3 years or is it or 5?? eh bien...c'est ne faire rien..) ..then you will still be asking yourself or other bored people by then the same question in 15 years time..whatever you have done over the last three years it is clear you haven't used any resources or intelligence..you'd rather bludge on someone else...

The answers are so obvious..people don't LIKE being invaded for no reason other than greed and narcissism and property exploitation whether in Iraq by crusading hordes , France or Corsica by Pommes Aussies Krauts or Dutch, Algerians etc or lastly Americans so you take the obvious steps with locals and if they decide you are unwanted you may as well buzz off....

The very recent TV series on migrating  Pommie ' heros'  in Spain and France lash one into the realisation of just how dense and pathetically ignorent some of these 'migrants' are...

Whilst thinking they are showing the French/Spanish/Portugese etc how to suck eggs and engaging in their neurotic fantasies and exploitations and even having the French crowds clap their mediocre cooking in one production (how terribly British old boy..the natives learning to appreciate culture) they simply embarass the human race....

I cringe with embarrasment to think I am possibly identified with these Pommie TV cretins and liver flogging life style frauds who think they are terribly "precieuses" when I visit these countries most of whom cannot recite one to ten in French or Spanish.

Why are you loathed?/,..its very simpe..Spain and I suppose next Portugal is being vilely ruined by the building of massive "horror" apartment blocks constructed like termite nests throughout Spain irrespective of whether their are support mechanisms to support such massive infiltration or not.....Their lifestyle and their youth are being buggared up by horse-blinkered vistors who, worse than just being tourists want to STAY..and to do so want to recreate some corner of this foreign field....this emerald isle...this England in a place which simply has no need of it...nor do any other tourists!!

These apartment blocks are SO disgusting and contra the nationality as to simply ruin the invaded area..they look worse than foul and disgusting and totally inappropriate but lets rush off into our free trips and buy one....don't worry about the locals or the history and sensitivity of the country..this is the pommies in the raj all over again...ariving with bags and smiles ready to teach culures far more intelligent and learned than they ever were or will be how to become mediocre and its  not only the Pommes..but other nationalities who fortunately don't raise the alrm by making TV series highlighting their abysmal and naionalistic stupidity!! Here you, Tresio,  are trying to send a message to us all, we ignorent band of brothers, about Corsica which really ought to make you "persona non grata" there.

Personally I try to discourage "immigration en masse" especially by people who think they are doing the host country a favour after being unable to make their own country to be satisfactory.

If you want to go to Corsica Trescio ..beaut, fine, terriffic... but if you think the corsicans are  destructive and might harm your house, then ..do them a favour and go somewhere else..Tasmania perhaps...Port Arthur is nice...

No problem should reasonably occur for nice people retiring or moving to someone else's country and assmilate ...why should their be??..if you intend to adapt and adopt but unless you want to spend your life recreating English culture in your chosen spot and thus being detested don't go around making waves about perceived problems and then whinging when you don't like the answers someone spends time trying to give you...and if years later you have no further understanding of the matter then you are simply intellectually bone lazy or otherwise seeking cheap thrills trying to drum up some question..any question...to get a response...


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Plato, you seem to be labouring under the delusion that it was me who posted the original enquiry about Corsica. It wasn't.

If you re-read my post it was a light hearted comment on the fact that over a period of approx. 3 years, there were some resonses, none of which answered the questions posed in the original, (I include my post in these).

You have a bit of a nerve to then go on to slag me off, assuming you know something about my values, attitudes and beliefs in relation to colonialism. You must think you are a mind reader as well as an expert in all the other fields in which you claim such status in your posts.

Frankly I don't need lecturing by you about the history of British colonialsm, or anything else. The hectoring tone of many of your replies does not inspire confidence in your knowledge, or interest in trying to discern just what you are trying to say. There are plenty of bright people on this forum, I enjoy reading peoples sometimes lengthy and well thought out responses, even when I don't neccessarily hold similar views. I get nothing, NOTHING from you, apart from a rather nasty taste in the mouth.

Ironically, I probably hold views which are similar to your own about British Colonialism, but there is no way I ever would use your tone and language, both of which imply deeply negative stereotypes of all British people, bordering on racism.

In case you are not aware of this, you have been publicly warned about the tone and content of some of your responses here (you will find the warning in the renovation section).


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The origin of the matter is irrelevant it is your comment that was opened up and I am ecstatic that you have got a dirty taste in your mouth, it means, as a physical manifestation, that  there is hope yet that some form of sensibility lies deeply buried within you and is emerging.

Quite evidently you DO get something from my replies and something you certainly did and still DO need is a lecture or some form of education on many subjects including British Colonialism past and present. However in fairness I made a point of mentioning other cultures including my own. Your slippery reply here and elsewhere is well in character for you..and may well fool the staff of this forum as to your injured innocence but not me.

Certainly I have strong views amongst my levels of them. My views are based solidly on fact and not found cringing to pressure groups, some of whom I have mentioned and who have whole sayan industries throughout the world who leap to the fray like battery operated soldier ants to arrest any criticism leading to exposure. I also mentioned and described source information written by the very officers who make decisions affecting and destabilising the world. Try to read some, it might help you along on the path of knowledge and reality.

I notice you have nothing sensible or enlightening to offer on my various subjects not do you have it seems any knowledge adequate to do so. I have a great sense of humour over a vast range but my humour dies at the emergence in this world of saturation politics of fear and also at serious matters being made trite. One of those subjects is your slyly hidden attack on Corsicans which you have truied to hide behind in a pathetic attempt to portray me as 'racist"..any idea what the word means?

Others might notice that after tearing down perceptions I begin to rebuild using a new concept. That the same forum concepts and information and misinformation is still being passed around after several years indicates that the contributors are largely locked into cyclic comments. I think I test those theories. Your slightly heroic efforts to silence me simply mean you are closed minded, though as I said I detect a stirring.....

The post 1995 invasion of Spain Portugal France and Ireland by people who simply want to import home, language, habit, mannerisms and closed-commerce  to there rather than adopt and assimilate and also by people, both developers and investors  who smell money with no conscience as to what damage they do to the previously so attractive local culture and scenery has had serious effects on the locals.

I meet listen to and watch a great number of these people on both sides and I mentioned two TV shows which highlight the abysmal mindlessness of the culure of 'arrogant' and belittling invasion which is "entertaining" to the traditionally recognised "Pommies"..and of course to others like many Aussies.

There are many immigrants who make a serious effort to adopt and assimilate...I take my hat off to them and also comprehend the difficulty others experience ...but that does not lift the consequences of cultural exploitation by so many others into any form of acceptability...


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Plato, say what you want about me - not that you need my say so. On the forum in the last two days you have claimed deep knowledge of my attitudes, beliefs, value system, personality, lifestyle (including sexuality) and intelligence. All were found wanting. You have called me devious, sly, cunning and slippery, and have referred to me as 'it'. This list is by no means exhaustive.

I do not feel injured in any way be this, although I am a little bored with it.

As for my "slyly hidden attack on Corsicans", all I can say is that I hid it so well, I have no idea where it is. I've turned the house upside down looking for it.



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Ah..tresco my dear..I am so glad to have raised you from the armchair....sorry you found nothing..had I known I could have beamed in on your problem but right now am all beamed out (brain boiling work you know old chap) did you try under the washing machine..I suspect it is possible that your target rolled under there when you stumbled home foggie from recent celebrations and lay prostrate for an hour or so in the laundry.."dozing" .

Please don't embarrass me more. old fellow,  by your self deprecation..my intutively accurate perception is simply a gift for which I claim no praise at all.  thought "slippery" was most lubricatingly perceptive....as fror my education nd experience..mere circumstance old chap..mere circumstance

I feel confident that once you have had your toast and some nerridah tea you will be much more relaxed about your problem with me...don't go away out of self consciousness, I really feel we have a great furure together here..


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Good morning to all visiting the sunny Corsica forum this morning.

Plato, you may feel we have a great future here together, but something tells me it will be short lived. Call it highly developed, (if a little slippery), intuition if you must.

This exchange is bordering on inapropriate, so let's skip out now shall we?. The Corsica section doesn't really see a lot of action, and it's probably a bit fed up being abused in this way.


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Tresco dear boy (?) you were SO excited about Will the Conq having a go under "restoration" and I imagine that your ("hey guess what")..predictions of my demise will excite you no end..in the absence of anything intelligent or scintillating from any of you re France or anything else..although Billy DID pick me up for a mispelled "intelligent" but then that was about the best he could do other than slip into the same abusiveness as you seem to get a thrill from inventing for me. With a stroke of luck Willy might be starting to realise that the game is bigger than he/she thinks and wider in intellect...

The jackals were at the imagined feast of my carcase Tresco there on "refurbishments" or whatever it was... and did they descend on my absent form fighting and snarling ..but I brushed them off like flies

Having the ludicrous affrontery (for one so easily offended) to accuse me of (sic) bordering on racism clearly being one of those who simply cannot comprehend communication other than in styled format I gather you haven't a clue what racism means, being attached to the petty political form of "anything which sounds as though it doesn't it in with what I read somewhere"..so..you thought this word might be Merlinish...alas!

My presence in this forum brings along a vast knowledge and experience coupled with pointing the stick at those who think that overwhelming someone else's country with their own culture and anti culture is just fine. Tragically through costs of law I cannot nominate the shonky english agents for example but the french records of abuse do...

I did nominate localities  in which to be particularly alert to sweet talking shonks persons well known as shonks but so "british bulldog" as to persevere through all odds of French legally frowning experience and who use their "patriotic" recommendations to you to get work done freely for themselves...

Personally I no longer give a toss because I went too soft on them some years ago.....any future action will be to see them in a French gaol. This will reduce sme of the ads you see!! Unfortunately for "French" experts such as sites based around real property agents, any number of their advertisers are precisely what I point out..and to look after your countryman honsetly one needs integrity. Curiously so many of you only see "shock horror " in things I write rather than someone actually caring enough to advise them....I still hear for example one of the greatest female crooks in south of Limoges praised as the 8th wonder by recently 'assisted' brits...

So my dear friend I have at least raised this site from its 100 year sleep for a moment or two I fear nothing of dismissal...I am giving and not taking you see... ..the site  having pricked its finger on the magic needle of the droning zzzzzzzzzz  "lets talk but say nothing because we know nothing" ..The grumpy replies so attest....

Where are all those people who leaped to the fray amateurishly yesterday "trying to slag me" as your soccer louts say...trying to raise there heads from the froth and highlight what a dummy I am....? Perhaps you can tell me privately once I am banished. In the meantime I search the site for some gem of wisdom from you and the other friends of man  and when I find it I shall reply..cheerio all including those who said something after my last letter...I am always ready for serious questions... if you want to play gmes with me though..be prepared to be good losers not take your bat and ball and run home to mummy "forum"..doing that means you are not accountable..just hit and run types...


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Ah, my daily lecture. Good morning Plato, and thankyou for thinking of me.

I see I touched a nerve when I said some of your comments bordered on racism. Remember what I said about the ascribing of deeply negative stereotypes, which do seem to form the basis of your view and descriptions of English/British people.

You have since then slightly altered the language you use about the English, so as to render your comments less objectionable.

Thank you for taking my comment on board, I appreciate it.



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"by the way, what are the qualifications to be a site guru? please..."

It's based entirely on the number of posts made under your current registration details. The content, quality or length of posts doesn't come into it, otherwise based on length I'm sure Plato would have been upgraded by now (ooh err missus, a double entendre there I do believe).

I think (though my memory may be wrong) that you need 1000 posts to become a guru.

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.........In the meantime I search the site for some gem of wisdom from you and the other friends of man  and when I find it I shall rep...

Well you go first Pluto and amaze us with your humour. Haven't spotted any from you as yet and as for wisdom, get away, just lots of words in the wrong order ......and for sure you ain't no ocker either. Is it just a case of you hero worshipping our antipodean friends for some reason ?


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Plato, this is as close to a reply that you will get from me. I wouldn't know where to start with your posts. I don't think I understand them, but there again, I'm not even sure about that.

What I would most seriously like to know is your gender.

Teamdup, female

ps who would like them to stop the nonsense of junior, or guru or whatever

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Well TeamedUp, based on this picture, which was found on the Internet, I would have to say that Plato Comes Home (The Boxer's name is Plato, by the way) would have to be male... what say you?

How is New England? I used to live in Vermont... still lovely I trust? And, I too am American, Plato... but I live in France, in Brittany, the Morbihan... little commune called Cléguérec.... where was it you lived, again?

Kindest regards

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Plato has descibed himself as a 'gentleman' in the renovations section.

However, I am convinced he read Pride and Prejudice at an early age, and, as a consequence, in himself, s/he is

Lady Catherine De Bourgh.

'(his) air was not concilliating, nor was (his) manner of receiving them such as to make (his) visitors forget their inferior rank... 

(Plato) ... 'seemed gratified by their excessive admiration'. (not sure about this bit, but time will tell!)

...talk...(he) did without any intermission, delivering (his) opinion on every subject in so decisive a manner as proved that (he) was not judged to have (his) judgement controverted... nothing was beneath this great (gentleman's) attention which could furnish (him) with an occassion for dictating to others'.

All from chapter XX1X (29), there is more, of course, much more.

What do you think, peeps? Oh, and I wondered whether some bright spark could furnish a link between the preceeding, and Corsica? Tall order, but surely someone?




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Anyway tresco...we can always..pass in the night...change the subject...settle down..!!

so we have options...whether the forum  wants me or not won't change the fact that I am well equipped for France..by livng there and by experience...I actually am glad that the level of brain wave activity has risen from sonambulistic mutterings.

Now listen....go back to what I initially said about Corsica..there is good advice there couched in language that got up your nose...I find that there is much sort of 'self fulfilling prophecy" in Europe..if you fear something you are attracted to it!!...the best solution if you must buy is..to be open to the reality that a whole range of personalities exist but that even the "worst" (a variable in perspectives) have saving graces and can be very caring and loyal.Giving leadership on change is nowhere near the same as 'in your face" changes nor "enforced change". Let people see and know you before moving in..test the waters..you might find something really interesting comes up if they 'like' you...and they will care about you. If one then becomes the old raj pommie they will start to simmer and hate you....often people who tell me they have been "brilliantly accepted" are simply so thick and unimpressionable they don't get the reality...but you and I are just like the old "*****" moving into brit suburbs thirty years ago, loathed and detested....lonely and depserately wanting to survive ..thus ghettoing as the Pommies do in france...and anywhere else...IF a **** came to you amd said "I am lonely and frightened in your country, I am so unbused to your ways and yet I want to live here as a good citizen and experience the littlest reactions possible for me and my family..can you help and advise me"...would you tell him to shove off?...or would you soften...

I think that's the same anywhere and we"superior" types (ie of privileged stock and trade) need to come down to earth and approach people on their understanding and fears of overwhelming migration by??......US!!

what you fear you cannot love..




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So many of your resposes here are based on the assumption that many posters are intent on re-creating some sort of little England here in France. I just dont think that's true. your advice about letting people get to know you first, I could re direct to yourself. Get to know the people here before repeatedly lecturing us.

Much of what underlies your comments, I suspect I agree with, which leaves you preaching to the converted in my case.

There is one thing I have to quickly say. The immigrants to Britain in the 50's and 60's, in particular, were faced with overt discrimination in both the public and private housing sectors. This played a primary role in the ghettoisation you mention. If there are areas in France with a high concentration of English people, I would imagine there were entirely different factors at play.

Plato, I have to take the chance to tell you I am not a 'banner'. I have never once complained about a posting here to admin.

My server keeps going down and I don't want to lose this post, it's the third attempt.


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Just a quick add on.

The term *** is generally used as a term of abuse by some white English people.

Although I know young people of Pakistani origin use it among themselves, much as some gay men use the term ***. Getting into the realms of 'reclaimed' language perhaps, but I assume you get my point.

It's not a term which I would ever use, and I must challenge you on your use of it.


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