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Dick Smith

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've never been either - but I do want to go next year.

My previous involvement with the Corsica forum was to complain about the amount of space the names of the moderators took up on the last version of the LF site. This was on behalf of the Corsica forum readers who had to scroll for hours to reach their part of the site. Mind you, as the most southerly 'part' of France I suppose that was to be expected.

On the subject of little used fora, why don't we have a 'French Dependencies' forum so those of us planning to buy holiday homes in, say, Martinique or Guadeloupe could feel included?!

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote]This is just to let you know Dick that someone else occasionally looks in on this forum. I've not been to Corsica either. Hoddy[/quote]

Seen it on the map but never been there and as far as I know never likely too and I would'nt have looked in only that blooming DS did a posting, but I'm sure its very nice and ripe for the next influx of A Place in the Sun wannabuys.

Weedon (53)

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I doubt it ,it was blooming expensive to breathe the air there 15 years ago! probably the most expensive scoop of icecream i will ever enjoy......especialy as I didn`t buy it

Beautifull place from what I remember,but scary naviation...to many rocks!

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Yes, why don't we have the DomTom, now isn't that a quaint expression for the dependancies.


Not sure if the Quebecois would really really like to classed as french as in from France.


Husband has sailed to La Corse several times, as in on a bateau à voile.........LOL a friend was shocked at how long it took......."much quicker on the ferry",he assured him.

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We went there for our honeymoon last year and loved it. Absolutely beautiful and great for walking. Snag is it takes ages to drive anywhere as the roads are so wiggly and there tends to be a mountain/valley in the way. But would love to go back, especially to stay in the same gîte where we had a fantastically warm welcome with wine and fruit and were invited for apéros as well as being driven up into the mountains in a 4x4 for breathtaking views. Really nice people in our opinion.
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  • 3 weeks later...

We went to Corsica in May 1998 and had a wonderful week, the scenery is fantastic. We stayed in the North in the mountain village of Lama and were made very welcome by the locals. The beaches were excellent but as other posts have said the mountain roads are very hairy - no barriers and shear drops (we saw quite a few cars who'd not completed their journey!!!???).

I can't comment on the race mentioned, but my knowledgable husband informs me that Corsica currently annually hosts a round of the World Rally Championship - goodness knows how they manage to do it they must have nerves of steel - rather them than me!!!

While we were there we also noticed the 'bullet holes' in many of the roadsigns!!! we couldn't decide if they were originals or just added for tourist effect as a reminder of their bandit ancestry !!

We would definitely like to return one day, so better start saving up cos it ain't cheap!




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I,ve been there, worked there as an aupair when I was 20. Beautiful scenery, mountains and beaches so close by.

Countrylass, I doubt very much that the bullet holes were put there for tourists, the bandits are still there.


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Not been to Corisca, but have been a couple of times to New Caledonia.

Lovely place in the Pacific, but so expensive. Everything and I mean everything with the exception of dairy produce which comes from either New Zealand or Australia is imported from France.

The accommodation is reasonably priced, but be prepared to eat very little or take a bucket load of cash!!

What some folks will do to get their kicks ie a little touch of France without the 24 hour plane trip!!!

Not sure if I'll go again as many other places in the pacific offering the same climate, beaches and cheaper, but of course being the Franchophile that I am, these other destinations do not have the French langauge/culture on offer!

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

[quote user="Dick Smith"]How about Quebec?[/quote]


and how about Martinique ? Guadeloupe? St Pierre et Miquelon? Guyanne Française? Les Iles de Polynésie? La Réunion.......

All these places where you could go and buy, sun (umm not in St Pierre too far North), sand, sea, farniente, retirement, life away from the relos and still be in FRANCE!! [:D]

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  • 1 month later...
I went to Corsica in 1996.  It was one of my favourite places.  We used to take picnics from our appartment and walk along the rocks with the little ones.  The wild herbs are magnificent and they fragrence the sea air.  One evening as we were walking, we stumbled across a secluded bar on the beach with a few tables and chairs.  It was very simple but beautiful and it enhanced my romantic streak.  The sun was setting and we sat there with a few people (tupperware under arm) whilst the kids played on the beach.  Then these locals came along and the girl behind the bar joined them with a big platter of what looked like blackbirds.  We were offered a try but I dont like eating things with their heads still on.
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