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Taxes - Fonciere & Habitation


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17 octobre: Taxes foncières : date limite de paiement

Si vous êtes un particulier, vous pouvez payer en ligne vos taxes foncières jusqu'au 22 octobre minuit.

15 novembre: Taxe d'habitation/contribution à l'audiovisuel public : date limite de paiement


échéance concerne particulièrement les résidences principales ainsi que

certaines résidences secondaires. La date limite de paiement est

indiquée sur votre avis d'imposition. Sur internet, si vous êtes un

particulier, vous pouvez adhérer au prélèvement à l'échéance jusqu'au 15

novembre minuit. Vous pouvez également payer en ligne jusqu'au 20

novembre minuit.


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Liability for taxe d'habitation is for the owner on the 1st january; your first Tde H will therefore be in 2012.

The taxe foncière is normally shared on a pro rata basis by the vendor and purchaser in the year of purchase; this or other arrangement is normally included in the acte de vente. In any event you will only receive an assessment personally in the year 2012 when the sale has been registered by the notaire at the Registre de Hypothèques and the information passed to the local hôtel des impôts.

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You get a bill with notice of 30 days to pay.

You then get another bill with a "majoration " of 10 %.

You then get a Final Demand.


You then get a Huissier with a Saisie-Vente visiting your property.

You then get actual seizure of your TV , fridge, hi-fi etc.

You are then informed that the Vente aux enchères conducted by the local Commissaire Priseure has not realised sufficientb to cover the Taxe Fonciere, Court Fees, Huissier Costs, Interest on outstanding debt.

By this time there wont be much left of value in your house and they wiil start to move for a lien on your house.

etc etc..


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Yes, it has to be paid, or you get an extra 10% added to the bill and everything else PPP said, but you won't do that will you?!

IF you don't want a big bill next year, then you start a standing order (prelevement). The first payment will be in January and then you pay ten installments for 2012's bill, they adjust the last couple of payments if it is not enough.

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It took about 10 years and a debt of €40000 before my property was finally sold by the liquidator, for the value of the outstanding debts which must have come as a blow to the debtor as its market value was at least 4 times that [:(]
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  • 1 month later...
[quote user="Pickles"][quote user="meiklejohn"]When the bill comes in is there directions for paying by direct debit the following year?[/quote]

Yes. Armed with the details on the bill, you can also set it up online.




I sem to remember having to take something into my bank as well, even though I had done it online.

Is that no longer necessary?   It was a long time ago...

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[quote user="meiklejohn"]Would they send the bill to the UK as it's a maison secondaire?[/quote]

Yes, our TF usually arrives in October and the TdH arrives in November, with a debit date on the latter just in time for the tax office Christmas party.



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[quote user="Pickles"][quote user="meiklejohn"]Would they send the bill to the UK as it's a maison secondaire?[/quote]
Yes, our TF usually arrives in October and the TdH arrives in November, with a debit date on the latter just in time for the tax office Christmas party.


The last payment date for our TF unless paying by DD is 15th October.

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[quote user="gardengirl "]

[quote user="Pickles"][quote user="meiklejohn"]Would they send the bill to the UK as it's a maison secondaire?[/quote]

Yes, our TF usually arrives in October and the TdH arrives in November, with a debit date on the latter just in time for the tax office Christmas party.



[/quote]The last payment date for our TF unless paying by DD is 15th October.[/quote]

Yes, so is ours! After a couple of years I got used to getting missives from the Fisc showing printing dates unfeasibly well before the posting date, and receiving them after the due date! All of ours are paid by DD - just in case.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Our Taxes Foncieres came through to our house in the UK last week and I paid it today online.

I also set up a direct debit for next year.

All very simple actually!

Now for the Habitation bill….

As mentioned we bought the property on the 30th November 2010 and it’s a holiday house

Should I expect a similar amount on the bill?

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