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We can all do our "bit" for the D-Day Vets

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I know this won't apply to a lot of the members of the Western forum but I thought I would post here as well as NW because some people are right on the borders.

I belong to an association called "Les Fleurs de la Memoire" which was founded by the Maire of St Jean de Daye (just north of Saint Lo) and the Treasurer of the Veterans Association for the 35th Division US Army, who liberated our part of Normandy. The purpose is to remember the soldiers who fell by placing flowers on an allocated grave at least once a year.
The AGM is in a couple of weeks and there are a couple of things to be discussed which may be of interest to some on this board. The first is that there are a number of Vets who would love to come over but can't afford the flight and accommodation. The association wants to find "billets" for as many as possible. Sadly we are already booked with French paying guests on the weekend of 6th June but as there are events involving veterans going on all summer, we shall certainly offer to take some (free of course!) later on. Of course, these are all US Vets and some people may feel they would rather do something for the Brits. Perhaps someone else knows of a similar scheme for this?

The second thing the association wants to do is to try and get flowers on EVERY Allied grave in the area for 6th June. This would be some feit and surely needs some kind of organising rather than people just turning up at cemetries willy-nilly.

I shall find out more about both schemes next week but it would be really great if anyone showed some interest in this.

The one sad point I felt on reading about this second great idea was that the Germans are not included. I know it seems a bit obvious that the French would not be interested. But 60 years on perhaps it should be a time for remembrance and healing. Having just finished "Pegasus Bridge" I know that many of the British soldiers have since become good friends with the guys they were fighting on 6th June. So wouldn't it be nice to remember the Germans who fell as well? Many of whom had no choice as to whether they wanted to fight or believe in the Third Reich anyway.

I don't think I'll bring that suggestion up at the meeting though - I want to be alive to enjoy the meal afterwards

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Although this unfortunately doesnt apply to us, it is so nice to hear about organisations like yours that remember all those people. Your comments about the German war graves, reminded me of our visit the other year to Normandy, specifically to visit the beaches. We made a special visit to the German graves, I think it was called La Combe. Although I felt emotional at both the British and American cemetery, it was the German cemetery that actually made me cry.
Anyway I wish we could be there to celebrate, but I guess we will have to watch on the TV instead!

Best of Luck

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