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TF and TdH Apportionment Upon Sale

Jon 1

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We are in the process of selling our property...hopefully!

It is anticipated that the sale should be completed by the beginning of November.

What % refund, if any, should we expect on TF due in October?

The Notaire said that we will have to pay the TdH due in December. What % refund, if any, would we receive on the TdH?

The Notaire also said that we cannot claim the 400 euros being asked by the Syndic for changing over ownership, against CGT. Does this sound correct?

I ask for an explanation on all the above because the Notaire was quite vague on the standard 15% allowance against CGT for property improvement.

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When I was selling houses, the taxe d'habitation was payable in full by the seller as long as they had owned the property since the 1st of January of that year. The taxe fonciere was usually apportioned between seller and buyer relevant to the number of days the property was owned by each.

Not sure what you mean by the 400 euro part. If you mean you are being charged 400 euros by a holding company in respect of CGT as your sale is in excess of 150,000 euros, then, unless things have changed, you are liable.

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I take it that the notaire has mentioned the T/F being apportioned on your paperwork, if not then you may get nothing back.

In our case the notaire counted the number of days for us and the new owner and then split it based on the previous years bill, not the current one.

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