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Cricket in Charente Maritime

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Does anyone know of any cricket teams in the Charente Maritime ? We are looking for two teams to play an exhibition match in Saintes in July this year. The standard of play is not to important, it just needs to be a very English affair.
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No offense intended to Gunner here, you may have seen Charleys other post about ways to get to meet people, and in a way you would need to, to follow this but.....

Charley, you are going to be sucked into a cricket playing  ex-pat vortex. And after all those great ideas people gave you too!.

Don't do it. 

The mums on this board are all watching you


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Perhaps I should clarify the reason for this request. A very good FRENCH friend of ours works for the Hotel de Ville in Saintes and is looking for two teams to play as part of the towns summer events. There are a number of events taking place as part of the 'twin town' celebrations between Saintes and Salisbury. 

The idea of this mail is to see if anyone can help, not to open up an ex-pat debate.

Thanks for your interest Charley.



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Oh Gunner, come on. Did you see the words no offense?

Did you see the little smiley? The reference to mums? I only just stopped myself from saying 'mind your delicate wrists Charley' or 'ooh watch out for that hard ball'. I was being giddy.

Really Gunner, I meant absolutely no offense to you, nor to anyone who plays cricket, or anything, or anybody, and I apologise, because I can see that using the term ex pat vortex might be the real cause of it. Are we OK now?


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Or bowling maidens over? 

Ex-pat thing or no thing, spreading the word globally that cricket is simply the best game on earth should be the responsibility of everyone from a cricket playing nation.  I know it's said that football is the world's international language but sharing a love of cricket is en par with being close family, as anyone who's ever travelled in India will tell you.  Cricket's an intelligent game and I would have thought that the French would be fascinated by it.  Wish I could play, my OH says I'm a very useful slip fielder (absolutely no pun intended, gentlemen, it's true!).


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[quote]Really never understood this stupid game. 2 teams play for 3 days have totally different scores and then they call it a draw Deby[/quote]

These are quite ancient words and many people will have read the basics of cricket before but for those still wondering what it is all about, here it is for you to read and comprehend.

1.Definition of Cricket

You have two sides, one out in the field and one in. Each man that's in the side that's in goes out, and when he's out he comes in and the next man goes in until he's out.

When they are all out, the side that's out comes in and the side thats been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out.

Sometimes you get men still in and not out. When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out try to get him out, and when he is out he goes in and the next man in goes out and goes in.

There are two men called umpires who stay all out all the time and they decide when the men who are in are out.

When both sides have been in and all the men have out, and both sides have been out twice after all the men have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game!

Now what was hard about all that Duchess ?

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Might be a good idea to get a very simplified version of the rules typed up (in French) and distributed to the locals so they will have a basic idea of what they are watching.  You may lose your audience early on if they can't follow the game.

Come to think of it, an English version might not go amiss!!


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[quote]Well if we can't find two teams to play, at least we can pass this foolproof guide on to our french friend and watch in amusement over a bottle of wine! Superb![/quote]


If I were to give those instructions to our local petanque club when they are all there on a match day, they would be scratching their heads, taking in deep breaths, blowing raspberries and shrugging and, probably be still there figuring it all out weeks later

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Thanks for your 'clear' 'hic' explanation Miki - all is now understood

Now for the off-side rule that would be nice (just kidding)

Close call yesterday btw.  My blue team almost stole 3 points from you at home


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Yep the Brummies are fast becoming a bit of bogey side for us, apart from our cup win over you this year, we have only "won" a few draws against you

As for the offside rules, in recent years it is hard enough for refs to understand it, let alone us lot, so don't worry I won't attempt to explain the laws(cos' I am not sure myself !!)

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[quote]Yep the Brummies are fast becoming a bit of bogey side for us, apart from our cup win over you this year, we have only "won" a few draws against you As for the offside rules, in recent years it is ha...[/quote]

My suggestion for you is to forget cricket and plump for rounders and have a mixed team! (sex-wise and maybe ability too! LOL!)
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[quote]Brilliant idea! We will put this to our French friend. This is a much better idea, easier to play, easier to organise and anyone can play. Anyone fancy playing?[/quote]

Or, along the same theme, you could try Stoolball.  This is an East Sussex game more similar to cricket than rounders. You use a bat shaped like a paddle and have wickets at about shoulder height which you bowl at. You have 2 batsmen in at the same time and the rules are similar to cricket inasmuch as you run between the wickets to score runs, and can be out bowled as well as caught and run out. The ball is similar/same as a rounders ball and is bowled sort of fast underarm at the square wicket.

If you do a google you can get more info.



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Sounds like we have some cricket snobs here, when we are in England friends often organise a game in their rather large garden between all of us friends. I can't bowl, but have been known to bat and field quite well. And everyone plays, whole families and we always did, me, husband and two kids. I never liked rounders and was always more than happy to cricket away a summer's afternoon.
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[quote]Brilliant idea! We will put this to our French friend. This is a much better idea, easier to play, easier to organise and anyone can play. Anyone fancy playing?[/quote]

Well,um, maybe....I love rounders but am about twice the size as I was when I played- is waddling allowed?


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