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Please help a confused individual with his tax!


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Hello, I have a quick question for anyone who

doesn't mind helping me out. Sorry for not searching through for any

advice already posted - I am running back and forth between my friendly

local treasury. Please don't hate me for not searching!

I filled in a tax return in June, but accidentally put the wrong cumul

imposable in the box - I wrote 20 000 (with an after-%-knocked-off of

around 18 500) instead of 14 000. Got an avis back saying I owed 1200,

took it into the tax office and pointed out the mistake, with the

correct number, and he sent it off for re-assessment. With the % knocked

off, I had a taxable income of 12644 euros. I got a new avis back

recently, saying that I had been awarded a relief of 1000, leaving just

200 to pay. Now, my girlfriend, who also had a taxable income of around

12300, was awarded nearly 600 euros back. For that tax year, 2010, we

were both employed at the same place (a restaurant), paid the same

contributions (we are fully in the system), and filed our tax returns at

exactly the same time.

Can anyone clear up just why I've been told to pay 200 euro, whilst she

has been given 600 euro back? It isn't making any sense to me.

As a further confusion, yesterday I got yet another avis saying that I

owed 450 habitax, and 123 for a TV licence. I just signed a bit of paper

at the treasury saying that I don't have a TV (I honestly don't), so

that is scratched off, but the avis still has the 18 500 taxable income

written on it, instead of the 12 644... surely the whole document is

null and void? I know the habitax isn't worked out as a part of your

income, more from an intricate system of guesswork and prayer, but I was

under the impression that I was in a tax bracket for whom habitax

wasn't applicable...

Please, someone, help!

Many many thanks, all.
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The Taxe d'habitation is payable if your income is over a certain amount

le revenu fiscal de référence qui figure sur l’avis d’impôt sur les

revenus 2010 ne doit pas être supérieur à 10 024 euros pour la première

part de quotient familial

As for tax I calculate that on 14000 you should have paid a total of 425€

There is 10% taken off to get you to the figure you quote, but that still takes you over the 10024 figure for the taxe d'habitation.

As for the difference between you and your gf I suggest you both try my spreadsheet for calculating French tax liability and see how you compare..

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Hi Norman, thanks for the speedy reply.

For tax, I'm working on 14049, which becomes 12644, which leaves 431, and a "decote" of -224 (which I'm ecstatic with, but not even sure why I get it), leaving me 207. I suppose I'm happy enough to pay it, but I simply don't understand why I'm in the red by 207 when my lovely lady has the magic numbers of 13676, becomes 12308, giving  384 decote -247, leaving 137. She then gets a further discount of -729, turning it into 592 in her favour. Surely there can't be that much difference between her tax and mine, given the difference in taxable income of barely 300 euros?

I found your [url=http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/2605177/ShowPost.aspx]speadsheet[/url], I'll give it a go.

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