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Protection for French bank savings accounts


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The French President declared on 13 October 2008 that "The government will not let any French bank fail"

A figure of 70,000 euros was quoted as the maximum amount that an individual saver could have in a French bank account for 100% protection. Has anyone seen recent figures for La Poste bank and how good is the guarantee thought to be?...................JR
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I feel the only way you'll find out how good the guarantee really is, will be if your bank actually fails!

La Poste looks healthy enough from this, http://www.laposte.com/Everything-about-La-Poste/Press-releases/Latest-articles/2011-press-releases/La-Banque-Postale-s-2010-Results .

Within UK banking, the guarantee has worked but I think your priority is to ensure investments held in any bank do not exceed the maximum likely to be paid in the event of collapse. Don't keep all your eggs in one basket so to speak!

There is a Directive on Deposit Guarantee Schemes within the EU which could be interpreted as being an extra guarantee of your cash being safe, possibly!

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