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Builder Trouble.....

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What is the best course of action if the builder you have contracted who has worked in 'stages' and have paid in full but upon inspection on arrival in France has been found not to have completed the job?  He subsequently promised faithfully to complete but the arranged days have come and gone. He is not communicating. He will not respond to phone calls at all. His work is excellent. We have windows, for example, which are installed but none of the finishing has been done. Now, I have other tradesmen waiting to commence work but, alas, where is the wall on which to hang the radiators etc.......This has been ongoing for 18 months and since last April he has none very little. My question is; should I write a letter to the Mayor explaining (as the house is in a prominent position in a medieval town in a conservation area, the plans went to the batiment de France, and everyone is watching) hoping he will give him a nudge or should I do something more heavy without entangling myself legally as do not wish to go down this route. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I feel VERY fed-up and disgruntled with French builders.[:'(] LoopyLurcher


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Get a huissier to come and make a report of the current state of the house, what is still be done etc (with photographs).   It will cost you about €150.   Then send a copy by recorded delivery to the builder with a letter saying that you have asked the huissier to make a formal, legal record of the work to date and that if he does not turn up to finish the job within, say, two months, you will go to court with it.   A huissier's report should make him get his skates on!   It's also worth telling the Mairie about this - they may be able to put some pressure on if he's from the same town.
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The translation of a huissier is a bailiff, but the functions are rather different.   I paste in below a definition I found on the web; the bit relevant to your case is the third paragraph

L'huissier de Justice est un officier ministériel chargé de signifier les actes de procédures et de mettre à exécution les décisions de justice et les actes authentiques ayant force exécutoire. A ce titre et avant toute procédure, il délivre les convocations en justice : les "assignations" en matière civile, et "citations", en matière pénale.

Il prend toutes les mesures matérielles visant à permettre à la partie qui a eu gain de cause d'obtenir l'exécution du jugement rendu en sa faveur. Il peut se faire aider si besoin est, par la force publique (expulsion pour non paiement de loyer...)

Il peut intervenir pour donner des consultations juridiques. Il se déplace pour dresser des procès verbaux de constat qui peuvent servir de preuve à l'occasion d'un litige (constat d'état des lieux, constat de troubles de voisinage, constats d'avancement de travaux ou d'abandon de chantier...)

Il peut en étant mandaté, délivrer certains actes judiciaires ou extrajudiciaires qui parfois font courir des délais d'exécution : sommation de payer, assignation à comparaître, congés donné par un bailleur à son locataire...

L'huissier de Justice peut aider au recouvrement d'une créance soit à l'amiable en établissant un plan de remboursement accepté par le créancier et le débiteur, soit en faisant pratiquer une saisie sur les biens, les comptes bancaires, les parts sociales, les immeubles... du débiteur après la mise en oeuvre d'une décision de justice.

L'huissier de Justice est responsable des actes qu'il délivre pour ses clients. Leur rémunération est prévue dans un tarif fixé par le décret du 12 décembre 1996, sauf cas particulier. Ils ne sont compétents (sauf exception) que dans le ressort du tribunal d'instance de leur résidence.

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Dear Opalienne. THANK YOU so much for this advice. It is an absolute revelation. I will speak to the Mayor first, after which, I will find myself a Huissier. The Mayor may point me in the right direction. You have no idea how relieved I feel to know I can do something constructive as I have received so much negative conflicting advice from others which made me feel helpless. I so wanted to use a French builder rather than an English one that I actually waited a year for him to commence work but feel sad at the way he has treated me. Never mind. It could be worse!  Thank you again. [;)] LOOPYLURCHER
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Good!   I'm glad to be of help.   If you live in a town you should have no problem finding a local huissier.   Personally I would find one yourself rather than relying on the Mayor - you never know who is related to who in France!   It's a real problem in our village where there are two builders and the Mayor's secretary is married to one of them...........

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