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Missing France!

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Hi [:(]

Usually we have managed to have a spring break across in France as well as a summer one.  Unfortunately we can't make it this year.  We were last over at Christmas and they wait until July for us to go seems to be really dragging.

Just wondered if any of you living there or lucky to be visiting could make me insanely jealous with any news i.e. how's the weather coming along esp around the Saintes area, are the water restrictions still in place?[:(]  We also heard when we were last over that a commercial centre is planned for outside Pons and thought maybe there may have been some more news about that.

Please any news would be nice. [:)]





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Hi Gail...Well, if it helps I can tell you we got back yesterday after a week of rather mixed weather (torrential rain on some days, 21 degrees on Friday). No water restrictions whatsoever owing to a month of almost daily rain during March (200mm, according to our neighbours). Went to Pons on Thursday, no sign of anything new (in fact, not much sign of anything at all!!) although in Pons and Jonzac there was some sort of student rag week going on with lots of  blokes dressed as women, etc., stopping cars and generally causing traffic chaos. Having said that, we don't often go to Pons, so maybe it's like that every Thursday??[:$]

All in all, not a great deal to report. Nouvelles Galeries in Saintes is being facelifted on the outside, the river  in Saintes at the beginning of last week was covering the whole of the plain area around it, but had gone back down by Friday to leave a muddy mess, and there hasn't really been a huge change to the new dual carriageway between Saintes and Royan.........

There, see, you haven't really missed much at all!! Hope you feel better now!![:)]

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We got back on Friday. The weather had been mostly sunny, but cold, and the atmosphere was tranquil (but smelly due to muck spreading). As soon as we got back it was the smell of traffic and police sirens, so I know what you are feeling. The only exciting part was finding 3 escaped calves/bullocks (big ones) in the road and trying to herd them with a Volvo. In the wrong direction (they could have told me!).

Finished decorating the last room (newly converted bedroom) and sat around a lot reading and doing school prep work - and swearing at free.fr.

That was pretty much it.

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Gail, we had lovely weather yesterday in Pons, but today it is very overcast, although im not complaining as we were supposed to have rain all over easter.


The students came in to my shop, they were collecting money for the end of term, they offered me an intermarche top budget boiled sweet, in exchange for some euros, of which I happily handed over, because the other students waiting outside had a nice big bag of flour and some eggs in there hands!!!!!!

Walking up to the francais bar on thursday night it seems everyone wasnt so generous as many cars were covered in the messy concoction.


Not too long to go till July, when the weather will be much warmer.


Interesting comment about the commercial centre, I havnt heard anything, although I was told ages ago that Gemozac might be getting a new supermarket on the outskirts, although theres no sign of this either.


Emma Pons


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Hi Emma

Thanks for your reply.  The commercial centre that I read about also mentioned Gemozac so it maybe that it is planned for closer to Gemozac than Pons?[8-)]  Just wondered if you knew of any restrictions re bird flu, it's just that where we are there a quite a few neighbours who have chickens etc wandering here there and everywhere? The news seems to have quietened down a great deal about it here after the initial find which I think was somewhere in the SE?

Hope you had a Happy Easter.


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Hi Gail, the original directive received in this area, that for the time being they had to  remain undercover, and all must be vaccinated by april, but i've seen lots not undercover, so i assume that the panic has passed here for the minute,although i have to say that even with the directive, loads of people did not seem to be complying with it!!!!


Although my 4 year old has had her farm trip cancelled by her maternelle, because of it, so who knows.



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Hi Emma

Thanks for your reply, think we'll just wait and see how things are when we are over. The sun is lovely here today, probably still not as warm as in 17, but never mind so have cheered up little.  Not long now and I'll send an email off for a copy of the Vacancier Haute Saintonge from the tourist office, I think the 2006 one may come out around May time and I can spend a little fun time deciding on what we can see and do when we are over apart from working on the house!

Kind regards



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