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French newspaper in English

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We have only lived in France for nine months and although we are trying very hard to learn the language we are finding it difficult to totally understand the newspapers covering local and national issues,. We really want to know what is happening hereand wondered if there is one printed in English to help people like us covering local and national issues. Before everyone writes back and says we should not be thinking of this...when we have lived here as long as some of you we will not need to.  
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This might help, though it does tend to concentrate on international rather than national or local news. http://www.lefigaro.fr/english/

It is well worth persevering, with a dictionary if necessary, with your local paper, as it gives you an insight into local affairs that few other English-speaking people living in the area will have. In fact many choose to ignore local affairs altogether, but that's another issue threatening to go down the route that you didn't want to follow.

There used to be rules, designed to protect the French language against Americanization, that did such things as legislate against publication of foreign language material, and limit the amount of non-French music that could be played on the radio. These seem to have faded into obscurity now, either fortunately or unfortunately depending on your viewpoint.

There is some more information here, though nothing that meets your specific need I think. http://www.world-newspapers.com/france.html

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Many thanks for your help and advice. The English/French dictionary has now become our best friend and helped us out of many a difficult situation and it goes everywhere with us as we always try to communicate in French as much as we can.We always feel so pleased when we achieve something without having to resort toour native tongue.

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Another useful site on the net is the new http://www.france24.com. News items are available in French and English, although irritatingly (IMO) the news stories and pages of news on France aren't identical in French and English, whereas the world news pages are. Anyway, it gives you a chance to read quite a few news articles in French and then compare and check your understanding with the English language versions. And at least, as far as the world new items are concerned, they are written from more of a French perspective.
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If you are in 16, the Charente Libre has an on-line English version. Don't know how exensive it is.

We have the CL delivered daily and to start with I just read the Obituaries (now how sad is that) and the Meteo as my French was poor. But 4 years on, I can read the whole paper now, and understand most of it!!
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Thanks Zeb


We are in Dept 79 but I will see what I can find out. You have all been so helpful, nice to know we can always get answers to questions. We are on our own over here having left all our brood in UK....SKI ( spending kids inheritance )

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One of our local papers has just started a page in english, but I think it's just british interest topics. Anyway sorry, not your area but Midi Pyrenees. Zeb - I started off with the obits too - fascinated by the number of people living into their 90s in spite of, or maybe because of the hard life they led. As Will says the local papers are a better way of getting a feel of your area than the nationals. Ours always has a few pages of national news too. So keep plodding on with the dictionary vab - it's worth it. Pat.

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