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NEW - Children's Theatre Group

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We are called A.C.T- Anglais Children's Theatre. It is for youngsters

aged between 6-16. It is taught in English as we wanted our children to

have somewhere once a week to socialise, learn and have fun where they

weren't having to cope with the pressures of a second language. We are

also reserving places for French children who would like to develop

their English language skills through immersion.

The first few weeks sessions are 'tasters' for your children to see if

they will enjoy it, after which they join the association and pay a

minimal fee-This is very much a non- profit venture. We are also

considering running week long workshops in the holidays where we would

create a performance by the end of the week. If you would like further

information, get in touch!

Emma - 0546 48 40 01

Salles de Fete, Vanzac (near Jonzac Dept. 17) 2pm - 4pm every Wednesday

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