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Hi Lynda

Hope you don't mind me checking some info with you regarding log burners.  We have ordered our log burner on-line and a local chauffagiste is going to install it for us.  I believe we also need to have the chimney lined and we are having trouble getting an exact quote from our guy.  Would you be prepared to tell me roughly how much your installation cost?  Also, I have read lots of threads on this site stating that if the wood burner is not purchased and installed by the same company on one invoice then you cannot claim the Credit D'impot.  I note that in your thread you said you can submit the invoice from supplier and installer.  Did this work, did you managed to get the tax back on the price of the fire?

Any help would be appreciated, as we are in a remote part of the Pyrenees and our choice of suppliers and installers is pretty limited.

Many thanks.

Chris & Bert

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Hi Chris & Bert

Very interesting that you have raised this issue at such a relevant time - i.e. we were in the tax office only last week submitting our tax return.  As I said in my posting, the installer was the guy who works for the stove supplier - though he is self-emplyed - and I believe that's where the problem lay.  Perhaps it's just that our French isn't good enough and despite explaining that the installer is the one that the shop always uses, they just didn't want to know and we had to cross it off our tax return. [:(]

Having said all that we still feel we made the right decision and have had a wonderuflly warm winter - and even had to light it a few weeks ago when we had that cold snap !!!!

The installation cost by the way was 1500 euros but he did do a lot of work - including raising the height of our chimney to conform to the correct height regulations (much good that it did us with the tax man !!)

Hope this helps



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"They just didn't want to know and we had to cross it off our tax return"

Quite right too, if you do a search you will find that this has been discussed a lot elsewhere on this Forum, it has to be a single bill for the supply and installation but I cannot understand why your supplier who must be aware of the tax rules on this could not give you a bill for the supply and installation and then sort out the installation bit with the installer.  Mind you the tax credit is for the installation of a fire not the rebuilding of chimneys and the 1500€ installation charge plus cost of fire may be a factor as to why it was crossed out.

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Hi Lynda

Thanks for the info. Sorry to hear that you were not able to get Credit from tax office.  I think we will be in same situation, but we had terrible trouble trying to find someone to supply and fit the wood burner; so had to bite the bullet when we found someone who was a qualified chauffagiste who would fit it, but told us to go ahead and order it ourselves.  Hey ho, seems we are not as lucky as some people on the forum!

Best regards


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"Maybe so Ron but all we had on the tax form was the cost of the actual stove and not the installation - on the recommendation of the English speaking tax information service !!!!"

If its the infotax-southwest@dgi.finances.gouv.fr  you are referring to, their advice is:

You must have a single bill from the artisan who sold and installed the heating equipment.  You must declare the cost including tax but excluding man hours cost, or in Franch  - vous devez avoir une seule facture faite par l'artisan qui a vendu et installé l' équipement de chauffage vous devez déclarer le  prix TTC mais  le coût de la main d'oeuvre est exclu.

So all you have to do was to get the installer to buy the fire and give you one bill OR get the shop to give you a bill including the installation, its not too late to change it you know.

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  • 2 months later...


Excellent advice.

Lynda, I believe the shop and installer have learnt a lesson from your experience and are trying to get us ONE invoice for our fire and the part of the cooker that is bois charbon

Unfortunately, we have already paid the shop for the fire but, perhaps, the shop can return my money so that I can pay it to the installer or alternatively, I can pay the shop for the installation and it can then pay the installer or.......

Permutations....I am keeping my fingers crossed that we do get the credit d'impot because, hell's bells, it's all getting mighty expensive and I am reduced to watching the pennies!

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