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renovating and masons

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Thanks to everyone who kindly answered my last post. Well we jumped off the diving board and have made quiet progress. However we seem to have got stuck over a mason. We are refusung to compromise on the stonework and we just don't want windows etc. shuttered up and concrete cast. So we decided to be purists and hunt for a true die-hard mason, French or English. In the Vendee that seems to be like chasing a will-o-wisp, every lead peters out. Not only have I failed ( a hard thing for me to admit) to find a mason with a free slot I have failed to find a mason at all. Do they exist or is it an urban myth? Any help gratefully received.
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Hi Scubasurfer, we had a similar problem. I know they are hard to come by, but I am a little surprised you are having that much trouble finding one. We had three or four come out to look at the work we needed and provide a devis. Their work and prices varied greatly. In the end we went with one that came recommended and we actually saw some of his work so knew he was good. Even this has however not been without problems. [:(] 

Perhaps you have already been down these routes but I thought I would mention them in any case. We asked at our Marie, they have a list of local macons in the area. We also have a small local paper and in the back there are small classifieds and macons will often have adverts. Lastly we found ours through a French Architect. We didn't use him but he was happy to give me a name and number of a recommended macon, it may be worth calling a few in your area to see if they could recommend one. I also would say that I would be very surprised if you could find an English macon familiar enough with the local stone that would be as good as a local French macon.

Best of luck and please let us know how you get on.

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[quote user="cooperlola"]We found ours through our architect.  Because we needed a sympathetic style, he was able to come up with somebody who understood our needs.  I'm assuming the mairie was no help?[/quote]

Hi Coops, I'm not sure if that question was for me or Scubasurfer, but we did get ours through an architect. The maries office did give us a few names and we did receive devis from them but just didn't go with them in the end.

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once again it's so nice to get such a rapid response from everyone here and very heartening so thank you. We will continue to soldier on but being at a distance does increase the problems doesn't it? My French is sufficient to make myself understood vis a vis and even by e-mail but by 'phone, perish the thought. My courage sinks to my boots at the thought of the telephone. Ah! well will let you know how matters proceed and on my next visit will slip into the marie to try my luck. Cheers everybody.
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