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£ / Euro spot rate 1.2027


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Old news this, it was €1.20 on the 20th, http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/14/2652832/ShowPost.aspx#2652832

[quote user="just john "][quote user="sweet 17"] JJ, stop exaggerating![:D]  1.1869 is hardly a stairway to heaven![/quote]

New high of €1.20!

(German Foreign Minster Guido Westerwell  says Britain 'indispensable' in the EU;
 & Boris warns the euro is unlikely to last another 12 months). [Www] [/quote]

I think there is more likelihood of €1.50 than parity ( he said crossing everything)[8-|]


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How typical is this?

My insurance guy phoned yesterday and he's due over tomorrow as he has heard from the lorry driver's insurers and wants to finally discuss my settlement.  We need (for various reasons) to buy some sterling - something we've been putting off until my money finally comes through.  At this rate, if ever we get a euro cheque out of them the rate will be 1.50 again[:-))].  The only sure thing is that it's never good for everybody and it's always the wrong time to change your money.

I can't believe we're pleased at a rate of 1.20 though!  There was a time when that felt like rock bottom (until I remembered the days of 7francs to the £).

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If it's any consolation, Coops, I changed enough money to pay all of 2012 factures a couple of months ago and only got 1.135.

I was afraid we'd run out of euros because of all the TF and TH bills, mutuelle bills, etc etc which all come at the end of the year!  And I find changing money so inherently stressful that I thought I'd prefer to get a whole lot in and save myself further aggro for next year.

I still benefit from the improved rates as I use my Nationwide credit card whenever the rate is more than 1.135 and I use French cheques when it's below!

All this juggling for pennies![:(]  Got to be a better way.........no, hang on, that sounds like a politician talking![:'(]

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