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Complete France Forum

what a small world!

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My parents live in a small village in cornwall, in the old days it use to have a Post office run by a Scottlish couple, who had retired to cornwall. I later moved to London and use to quite often wake up in the middle of the night as Im not a very good sleeper, I decided one warm summers night at 2am to walk to picadilly square for a wander, I found an all night cafe and went in for a coffee and a bit of people watching, the cafe was very busy and a young chap asked if he could sit at my table . We got talking and he had just come down from scotland  to London looking for work , it turned out he was their son and had been to visit them there lots of times.

Also  ( not being a very close family ) my brother had got married for the second time, but none of us had ever met her, they had a son and a couple of years later, my sister went on holiday in greece ( by this time he was on his 3rd marriage) she had a daughter of about 4 and was playing on the beach with a little boy, my sister thought see had seen this boy some where before but couldnt think where. She started talking to the mother only too find out it was my brothers ex wife and son and she had reconised him because he was the splitting image of my brother at that age.        

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