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Moving a mobile home

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If you didn't get a reply you could look for a place that sells them or uses them as holiday accommodation like a camp site and ask there for a contact. That's what we did when we looked to buy a second hand one but in the end we went for a company that included delivery only because they had what we wanted.
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Sorry but I missed this one first time around.

Look under Transports in pages jaunes or on the internet for a local transport company. If they don't offer this type of transport they will know someone who does. In holiday areas the moving of mobile homes is very common.

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I don't have any recent experience but do bear in mind that you will be tying up an expensive piece of kit for the best part of the day even though the distance involved is not very great.

Also bear in mind that the cost quoted will be just for delivering to the roadside: the responsibility for the siting will be yours or the site owners.

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I suspect that what the OP is looking for is some Ex pat ,possibly working on the black willing to do it for a couple of hundred euros.

Unfortunately I doubt if there are many, if any, ex pats,  with a specialised transporter for mobile homes , who  are just sitting twiddling their thumbs waiting for the OP to offer them a couple of hundred euros.

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Sorry, I didn’t realise that I had inadvertently posted this request in the ‘have a go at people’ section!  A lot of supposition on your part Boiling a frog, based on what I don’t know.  Just because I wish to find a ‘reasonable’ quote (from expats. or otherwise) does not suggest, in my view, that I wish to do anything ‘on the black’, clearly there would be implications, not least insurance, if I was to do as you suggest.  I was hoping for helpful, constructive advice but obviously open forums attract many types.  Please keep the helpful, constructive advice coming in the spirit in which it was requested, criticism I do not need!

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[quote user="master of none"]

Thank you for the resposes, ideally I am looking for personal recommendations as I have been quoted some very silly prices!



My reply was based on your post which I have quoted above.

Generally speaking if you obtain several quotes ,which you appear to have done, and they are all expensive(in your opinion) then the people are quoting the going rate. If you are looking for a cheaper price the only route that I can see you being able to take is the ex pat with a large caravan transporter who is willing to do it for cash ,no questions asked. As I pointed out there are not many if any of them about and even less change in the tight area where you are seeking someone.

This is the general way that people proceed when faced with ,in their opinion, extortionate devis for building work ie. An ex pat working on the black.

That is why I made my comments.


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When we were looking around and asking about transport the cost varied between 6 and 10 Euros per kilometre (this includes the obligatory insurance). The reason for the variance was down to size of mobile home. The smaller ones are cheaper to move as they do not need to be moved as a Convoy Exceptional or what ever its called. This means putting in a route plan but more importantly needs an escort.

Judging by the size of yours I think it will require an escort. I would expect to pay somewhere between €210 to €350 euros (for 35km) if it were me. Cheaper prices may not include decommissioning and installation (positioning, leveling and connection) at your place.

If its a temporary thing like while your renovating etc then you can get away with two slabs, one on top of the other under each wheel and stabiliser. If its more permanent then a concrete slab is best and jack it up off the wheels and place more jacks underneath (stops it from wobbling when you walk around inside). Once on site moving is a problem as you can't do it with a car, not at 8M or longer, I tried. You will need a 4X4 of reasonable size so you at least want them to position it for you. As a tip to unload and place a mobile home you need about 3 times the length of the mobile home to unload and position unless you have a 4X4.

Just to say I am no expert its just what I learnt when I bought mine.

Hope that helps and good luck.

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I must admit I thought mine at 3M X 8M would need and escort but the people I bought it from and delivered it said no because it was under 10M. I never looked it up and thought that as they did this all the time they knew what they were doing or perhaps not.
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