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Ragondins Poitou.

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Sid, I agree.  NOT mild by my books.  Even this evening, once the sun went down about 3 o'clock, it's been perishing!

And, anyway, today has been the only bright day with sunshine in about 3 weeks.

Unremittingly dreary is how I would describe this winter.

BTW has anyone seen the huge, fat ragondin on the river bank in Brantôme?  It ate for the whole time we watched it and it didn't look up or pay the least bit of attention to anything or anybody.

I don't think these are the most attractive creatures that I have ever seen.

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Yuk!  But I did briefly think of the ragondin equivalent of oxtail soup because after all the tail is soooo long!

La soupe de la queue du ragondin?

Might as well eat rats because at least they are only small and gutting and skinning them won't be such a big job?

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

BTW has anyone seen the huge, fat ragondin on the river bank in Brantôme?  It ate for the whole time we watched it and it didn't look up or pay the least bit of attention to anything or anybody.


Haha, I saw it about 2 months ago when we were over last, it was sat on the river side by the car park ignoring everyone. 

They sort of look like a rat being dragged backwards when swimming lol.  I wasn't sure what the 1st one was when I saw it.  We got talking to some people who said they make pate out of them, the next day we saw a little packet of pate in a super market with a picture of the little chappy we had seen in a field the other day plastered all over the front.  Gotta love the French they eat anything and everything.

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If I were even the least bit tempted, Crossy, I'd send my dog over to bring it back.

This one in Brantôme that you saw, yes, that's the very one, I am sure.

The dog was fascinated and insisted on being rooted to the spot, watching it.

You ARE pulling my leg about the paté, aren't you? 

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[quote user="sid"]Mild winter!!?? [:-))] Where?  I think it's been bl***y cold, and it's not over yet! [blink][/quote]

  hi ok

      interesting quote...... this was our 7th winter here and it has been the mildest one so far not like the -15c we had last year and before . I have cut the lawn twice so far this year and wants doing again now  just going out now to have my 11 am coffee on the patio with the cats ...... strange ???


  ps we are between Bressuire and Parthenay  

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Hi Dave (ok)

It's our seventh winter too. I don't know if it's just a perception but to me this winter has been long, dreary and constantly cold. In previous years we've had very cold spells as you describe, down to -12C for a week or so, but in between there were beautiful clear days with crisp mornings and sunshine in the afternoon giving a pleasant, mild effect. I can't recall anything pleasant this year. Having said all that today is looking quite nice, but we're in March now, so there should be an improvement anyway.

We're in the extreme south of D-S. Oh, and I haven't cut the grass yet, it's far (edit) too soggy.


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[quote user="pachapapa"]

Rabbit's feet are easy to lose!

Geta a pate with two Ts.[:-))]



That looks more like a raccoons paw to me.

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[quote user="crossy67"][quote user="pachapapa"]

Rabbit's feet are easy to lose!

Geta a pate with two Ts.[:-))]



That looks more like a raccoons paw to me.

20/20 for Nature Studies.[;-)]

It's a 'coon.

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I'm reliably given to understand that it's on the menu for your Bergerac 'bash':

      Pate de Ragondin au Marmalade 'Rag'

                     followed by

      Civet de Ragondin avec son jus

                     followed by

               Bleu de Ragondin

                     followed by

        Fruits de Foret, Coulis de Ragondin


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