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Germany has some Gaul!

just john

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[quote user="Benjamin"]

anybody who doesn’t fully understand the Euro situation ,

I provide the helpful illustration below:

[quote user="Benjamin"]It didn't work.[/quote]

I wouldn't say that.  It read on my screen as a large empty box with a question mark in the middle of it  -  which seemed extraordinarily apt.

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[quote user="idun"]The latest on french news tonight was that someone at least in Greece wants payment for the damage done in the war, as in WW11, which would be a lot of money.[/quote]

That demand has been running for decades ...and ignored .    If the EU/IMF  pay this money to Greece having now got all the Germany prompted requests for assurances from the Greek political parties to stick to the rules appertaining to the bail out after future elections this year ......... Can someone tell me what these assurances will mean if a few tanks are rolled out and a bunch of Generals sit stone faced side by side in the parliamernt  buiilding  announce they are running the country and then say they they never siged up to anything ?     Perhaps there is a bit of paper going the rounds of the military right now asking for them to please agree to Germany's conditions for the bail out ?....  But as the Generals seem to be pollishing their buttons at the moment ...I cant see them stopping to sign anything . Perhaps the Germans know how much brasso the Generals have just bought  and would like to hang onto the money a bit longer ? 

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