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Having a baby in the Charente

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Has anyone got any experience with having a baby in the Charente region?

I am British, my wife is Canadian and the baby is due this December. We live permanently in the Far East but have a home near Aigre.

We had our first in Canada but now are exploring other options.

I suppose I have a few questions:

1) Has anyone had a baby in France? How was the level of care? (My wife speaks French pretty fluently)

2) What maternity clinics do people recommend in the Charente?

2) Have any non EU citizens had a baby in France? What are the rough costs?

Any input would be appreciated.


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Your tax residency status will have a lot to do with the costs incurred by your wife in a french clinic or hospital. You obviously do not hold a Carte Vitale which entitles you to french healthcare etc so you will have some hefty bills to face. A hospital bed without treatment is approx €800/day without food or treatment before the french resident gets their actual charge which is a lot less. I suggest you visit the hospital or clinic where you will be going and ask them direct about the costs and how to pay because they will often ask foreigners for their passports or a blank bank cheque to be handed over first and cashed or given back on completion of payment.
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Yes we realised it would be expensive.

Just trying to weigh up the costs of this versus Toronto where we'd get free health care but would have to rent a property for 3 months.

Plus it would mean not having to deal with my in-laws! ;-)

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