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Hello All,  Is it possible that anyone out there would know of a Clunk Click type of Chiropractor anywhere in theVendee.?

It's not the gentle massage I need but the good old sound of a crunch in the back. In anticipation.....Thanks

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Serrif, I can't help as I am not in your area. But I can tell you the name of that manoeuvre on your back that sounds and feels like something is really happening - they call it a "high velocity thrust" and I have always loved the sound of that expression and the images it conjures. [:D] Good luck in your quest.
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Thank you both for your information. The vital page in 'Pages jaunes', would you believe it, are missing? This is not a problem I can look at someone elses. 

Am I right in assuming that you are involved in the practice '5-element'? if so would an osteopath do the same spinal manipulation? I have found in the past that this gives almost instant relief.

Thank you again


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I know one in the Vendée. In my village, as it happens. He's English. His wife (whom I have spoken with once in the last four years - I don't think we're her kind of people) tells me I was at university with him, but I have no recollection of this. Actually I have little recollection of much at university outside of working harder than perhaps was entirely necessary, but hey-ho.

If you're interested PM me and I'll get his 'phone number for you.

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Thank you Riff Raff,

 I know the Village you are in and I am aware of the contact you mention, however he is not the type of Chiropractor I am looking for. I thnk he goes for the more gentle touch.   Many thanks...............PS. Nice Gites

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  • 1 year later...
I know this is an old posting and not even from my area, but can anyone recommend a chiropractor in the Perigueux or Angouleme area. I have checked out the yellow pages but recommendation would be better....

Also - in the yellow pages it states (Activité : chiropractie (soins hors d'un cadre réglementé)) - does this mean treatment is not covered by CPAM and I don't need to do via my doctor. Yes I know lots of things here do not require a doctor first, just asking to get straight in my mind, before I try to get my back straight !!!!

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  • 1 year later...

[quote user="Nell"]I know this is an old posting and not even from my area, but can anyone recommend a chiropractor in the Perigueux or Angouleme area. I have checked out the yellow pages but recommendation would be better....
Also - in the yellow pages it states (Activité : chiropractie (soins hors d'un cadre réglementé)) - does this mean treatment is not covered by CPAM and I don't need to do via my doctor. Yes I know lots of things here do not require a doctor first, just asking to get straight in my mind, before I try to get my back straight !!!!

There is an English Chiropractor in Eymet. I took my wife there when she was suffering from a badly strained neck.

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