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Renting in and around Nantes

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I am moving to the Nantes area in September to work as a language assistant for the next academic year. Does anyone know of any good rental agencies in Nantes that they would recommend? Or ways to look into co-location? I have a few websites already, but I like to go by word of mouth for things like this.

If anyone could suggest anything I'd be very grateful.


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Hi Frenchie

I'm going to be in a collège, we have been told that often we are helped with somewhere to stay, but as I work part time in lettings in the UK, I'm keen to start getting some info now, just to give myself an idea of what I can expect if the school don't have anywhere that I can stay.
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Hi Emma, I do understand . Wish I could help, unfortunately I don't live in the Nantes area.

I hope you'll have a very interesting year in France.

Our Canadian assistant has just left our lyçée, after a few smashing months, and we all miss her already...

She was such a social person, so nice and smiling, she used to stay with us in the staff room just for a chat, and we really all enjoyed her company.

When she left last thursday, she was crying when getting on the train to Paris, and when I said goodbye to her,, I tried to hide I also had tears in my eyes ...

That's life...

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  • 3 months later...
Did you pick up any tips Emma?, my son is in the same position (classroom assistant in St Nazaire from October) there doesn't seem to be much that can be done from the U.K. and he's a bit worried about leaving it to small adds when he arrives last week of september.

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My son suscribed to the Uni there last year and found a rental flat. There was hardly anything under €400/month of any size and he was going to share with another student but it all fell through when he decided to stay in Brest mainly for the expense of driving back and forth to Nantes which takes 3.5hrs from here. There are tons of agencies but they also charge on average about €750 finders fee so you may do better to look on Leboncoin.fr which is where we found our son's lovely new flat last summer and saved that finder's fee from an agency. Obviously the further out in the suburbs you go, the cheaper the rents and be warned that parking is dire and many streets are one way and just do not have parking spaces at all.
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Do you not have a contact telephone number, or email address of a member of staff - probably those of a teacher of English ?

I ask, because at my wife's lyçée in Guérande, the assistants always contacted her, and she had a permanent annual arrangement whereby the assistant would be met and welcomed on arrival, and lodged with one of the teachers or colleagues to begin with. When they were settled, they could then look for their own accommodation, always helped and guided by the teachers. Some shared with other assistants in the area.

Maybe they were/are lucky, and it's certainly a far cry from my experience of arriving at the massive door of a Napoleonic lyçée in Albi in 1967 to find that noone was expecting me or even knew I existed ! Happy days - it got better, really..

Good luck, anyway !


Andrew 44

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[quote user="andrew44"]Hello,

Do you not have a contact telephone number, or email address of a member of staff - probably those of a teacher of English ?

I ask, because at my wife's lyçée in Guérande, the assistants always contacted her, and she had a permanent annual arrangement whereby the assistant would be met and welcomed on arrival, and lodged with one of the teachers or colleagues to begin with. When they were settled, they could then look for their own accommodation, always helped and guided by the teachers. Some shared with other assistants in the area.


Exactly the same in my lyçée.  2 teachers are in charge of welcoming the assistants and they can be reached before arriving, of course !

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My son is starting as a surveillant in a collège and went yesterday for the workshop session about security,rules,lock-ins etc. He will do 18hours in one session sleeping over in the internat and the bed they gave him was nearly 18" too short, so they have to replace that before monday evening or he won't be able to sleep. So if you are over 6ft, make sure they have a suitable bed for your size!
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