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First Sunday October Niort.

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Si j'avais su ! I would have got my sister to rent a stall to get rid of  95% of the rubbish in her house.

The woman is an impulsive buyer and all her purchases are just lying about her house, still in their bags with the till ticket still in. I found a bag with new born baby clothes with a ticket dated 23/6/2003 [:-))]  I didn't have to snoop all that hard, it was just there in the room where I stayed when I visited her last month. I asked her : "wots with the baby stuff!" in that bag. I didn't tell her that I'd seen the till ticket at the bottom. She replied that her friend recently had a baby and she was just going to give her a little present. Trouble is that the kid is now 8 years old...

She is proper mental [:(]

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The weather was particularly good this year.

The first Sunday in October is almost habitual; the Niort vide-grenier has a lot of childrens stuff including toys, a reflection of the demographics of the town.

There is a tendency for it to be classed as fisher price and tupperware compared with the rural vides in Deux Sèvres.

Weather permitting the second sunday of october is Vouzailles in La Vienne which always attracts a big crowd, very rural, allowing one to stock up on shallots, garlic,échallionsn walnuts, apples, etc before the winter.

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