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VéloRail at Chauvigny 86300

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Does anybody know if the vélorail is open between now and the 27th October. Their website says it's open during the school holidays but a) not sure if the french schools are on holiday the same time as UK schools and b) maybe it's just the summer holidays.

We are off to France tonight and would like to do this while we are there.

Thanks in advance.
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Hello again Ysatis!

We're velorail fans and have used the Confolens/Roumazieres one many times, the grandchildren love it. We tried the one near Royan this year but it wasn't as nice.

We've never been on the Chauvigny one but the views look good, especially as it appears to cross the river.

On one website I found it says it's open until the end of September. http://www.chauvigny.fr/page.php?id=41

These places tend to be run on a shoestring by part-time staff and in the off-peak they only do weekends and then close down altogether for the winter. I see that the Confolens one is closed now for 2011.

I read the official site for Chauvigny as saying that they're open April through to September, with extra rides on certain days, (weekends and school hols). http://www.velorail-chauvigny.fr/

Why not phone? 05 49 88 93 63  

Perhaps you could let us know?

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Hello again Sid.

We too were considering the Confolens one but decided on Chauvigny because it's closer.

I took down the phone number already to give them a call but I had 5 mins to spare so I thought I would ask on here.

I will certainly let you know if it's open and what it's like on my return.

Never done a véloriail ride before but have been meaning to do one for ages.

Thanks for your reply.
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We usually take a coolbox with drinks and food. You get half an hour or so at the turn point. It can be hard work; railways are generally fairly flat but the gradients, although gentle, can be tiring. Great coming back though! I think you're going to have to wait until next year.

Confolens to Manot and return is better than Roumaziere to Manot and return; more scenic. Not many people do the whole length plus return, at least not in the heat of summer.

Here's a link to a video I shot while pedalling!! http://alturl.com/8eh7k

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Never thought about taking the video camera. We were planning on taking lunch but didn't think it would stop long enough and was going to find a spot by the river.

Thanks for the tips and the link. Your grandchildren look like they were having great fun.

It's a shame if they are closed but will phone just to check.

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