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Table cloths

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We're looking to buy without success a Breton patterned toile ciré tablecloth length - the shiny  type sold on the roll. We bought one years ago with a Quimper pottery design on it and we're looking to replace it. There's a good choice of Breton designs in ordinary fabrics, but nothing in this type of "cloth".   Has anyone seen such a thing, hope someone can help!


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we've tried all the likely sources in our area (Vannes) over several years without success. Looked at 115 patterns online yesterday, several Provencal patterns but no Breton. We've looked at a faience de Quimper online shop that has ordinary tablecloths with typical Breton patterns, but they're not practical and wondered if anyone in Finistere where the Breton culture seems more popular  had noticed anything when out and about.

Perhaps we'll have a day out in that area one day and have a scout round, but we'll try the shops that you suggest first.

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 I have a stain resistant table cloth which I bought in Dinan which features the Petite Breton and his mate.....I could take you to it, but as for its name and address I'm afraid I can't think, its the polyester type of cloth with a coating rather than 'oilcloth' There are other more stylised designs too

I have good contacts in Quimper, I'll ask about. I may have seen something in the biscuiterie opposite the faiencerie and I think they used to do it in the Faiencerie shop, rather than online. I usually visit Quimper at least twice a year, I can keep a look out

Edit: Have you tried looking in the more touristy markets ? I just looked at the label in my cloth but sadly there is no maker given ....

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My friend who lives about 3 miles from Quimper and who is active in the world of Quimper pottery says

'we don't have oilcloth, we have "enduit" or "Teflon" ... it's not exactly the same - there are treated fabrics available, and they are either at Eurodif or, better, at the big summer markets'

Hope that helps

There are also fabrics that are a modern twist on the theme or take elements of traditional Breton designs which I quite like and Le Minor stock good looking cloths designed by some of the same the same artists who worked at the faienceries. Btw Le Minor are in Pont Aven, if you go on a Thursday you could try the local market and the shop which is near the quay.
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Thanks again. As we were in Vannes today we looked in Eurodif and behold, they had what we had been looking for - the pattern was Breton dancers, and the colours mainly blue and yellow, which matches the kitchen.

They had a large roll so we're going to have a look around Quimper area soon for other patterns that we prefer, and if we can't find one we'll fall back on the one we saw today.

It's for one of our gites, which we like to decorate so that our guests feel that they are in an environment totally different to their home, so we always try to use Breton and French patterns.


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