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I live near Souffrignac (Charente) and I know that there is a Rememberance on 24 July for various Resistance members killed on that day in 1944. But I can't find any information about the events ect. on that day can anyone point me in the right direction?
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The Resistance memorial monument is at Chasseneuil sur Bonniere, about 30km from Angouleme heading NE. 

Link here: http://www.cheminsdememoire.gouv.fr/page/affichelieu.php?idLang=en&idLieu=1808

There was a ceremony on 30 April: http://chasseneuil-saintclaud.blogs.charentelibre.fr/archive/2012/04/30/chasseneuil-l-emotion-au-rendez-vous-de-la-ceremonie-en-homm.html 

but I can't find anything for July, sorry. I am interested in the stories about the Resistance in our area.

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There are about 5 or 6 memorials along the road from Angloueme to Nontron. They start near the turning for Souffrignac end end near Javerlhac. They all have the name of the victim and all have the same date-24th July 1944. Every year on that date (doesn't matter what day) they have a ceremony stopping at each memorial(and holding up all the traffic on the main road!) when they lay flowers,read out the name and date of death and play the V sign that the BBC used during the war. All ends in Javerlhac with laying of flowers at the war memorial in the town square followed by a repas in the Salle des Fetes.I know the basics but wanted to know the details of the action that lead to the deaths. I presume it was attemps to stop German troops moving up towards the north but don't know.
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  • 1 year later...
Hi, I was over near Javerlhac last year and took some photos of the monuments that you mention. Here's a link to an article about the combat at Javerlhac which include the photos that I took :


I will certainly try to be at the ceremony this July.

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Mac said 'Every year on that date (doesn't matter what day) they have a ceremony stopping at each memorial(and holding up all the traffic on the main road!)'

How thoughtless having a ceremony (for brave people who were preventing the Germans taking total control and if all French people had bowed to the Germans then it would probably have been easier for them to invade the UK) at each memorial and holding you up.
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[quote user="PaulT"]Mac said 'Every year on that date (doesn't matter what day) they have a ceremony stopping at each memorial(and holding up all the traffic on the main road!)'

How thoughtless having a ceremony (for brave people who were preventing the Germans taking total control and if all French people had bowed to the Germans then it would probably have been easier for them to invade the UK) at each memorial and holding you up.[/quote]

I may be wrong but I didn't read it / interpret the comment the way that you have - more that holding up the traffic on a main road is (rightly) ignored or secondary to the importance of the remembrance ceremony...

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I certainly meant it the way you have read it Catalpa. I think it's wonderful that this ceremony takes priority over the traffic. We have attended for the last 3 years since we moved here (and have been priviledged to attend the repas afterward once) Considering the problems some veterans find in arranging marches ect in the UK (it would cause traffic problems ect) I think it's great.

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As one Lincolnshire yellowbelly to another-apology accepted!!. Looking back at my post I see how it could have read that way- might have bees better if I had put one of those smily face things but my computer skills are pretty basic. If you get chance to attend the Rememberance ceremonies it's very interesting.
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