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Increase in Taxe Fonciere - Charente Maritime.

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We have recently received an increase on our Taxe Fonciere, equating to a 50% increase. This in turn will affect Habitation Tax.  The letter detailing this increase does not give an explanation.  We have written asking for an explanation but have to date not received a reply.

Anyone else experienced this increase?

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I'd go and ask at my Mairie they should be able to give you an explanation.

Also, at least in the olde days, there was a complete list of the taxe d'hab for every property at the Mairie for the public to see. If this has not been stopped, and hopefully it has not,  you will be able to see what everyone else is paying, even if this is now online.

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If you've had a 50% increase, then the only way that this could have come about is as a result of your 'valeur locative' having increased significantly.

Have you carried out improvements to your property in the last year or two and declared them (as the PdC rules require you to)?

Look at last year's bill & specifically the 'base' figure. It'll be 50% of your VL number. So if (say) 2k this year (VL = 4k) and it was 1.2k last year, then ......... You get my drift.

Norman is quite correct in saying that the %'s have gone up, but not by 50%!

Let us know.
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Thank you for your response. Although we have an unfinished extension, included in purchase of property, we have made no further improvements. Our notification advised us of the increase that would increase our Taxe Fonciere in October and Habitation next year.

Regards Innsbruck

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[quote user="Innsbruck"] Although we have an unfinished extension, included in purchase of property, we have made no further improvements. [/quote]

This leads me to think that the authorities have decided that the extension has been finished so they are advising you of the difference that the improvements will make to your bills.

When planning permission is granted, unless they are informed that the work is still ongoing, the authorities tend to assume the work is finished after a given period of time.


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