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Commuting to Geneva

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We currently live in Paris, but I've been offered a job in Geneva. Before I say yes, obviously I want to do some research. Ideally we'd like to live on French side of the border, cheaper property, french wife, culure we understand, etc. Is it practical to commute? Anyone got any experience, or information they can pass on? Is the Jura or Haute Savoie commutable? 

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For sure its cheaper on the French side.  Don't know about the tax position though.

The main motorway from France gets amazingly blocked with 'fronteliers' traffic in the morning/evening rush hours if you were planing to drive.  Might be worth investigating the rail possibilities.

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do you have any idea how far from the railway station your place of work will be? the commute from nearby France gets very busy! The Jura is much cheaper- but roads can be pretty bad most of the winter. Very difficult to advise without knowing more. You will have to investigate which areas have good rail links.

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It's practical to commute by car from Haute Savoie but unless you live in Annemasse, there is next to no cross border public transport.  If you are working in the international sector, a lot of people live in Ferney or Pays de Gex (01)but you pay in houseprices for the easier commute. 

House prices are cheaper in 74 than Geneva, but a lot more expensive than elswhere in France.  If you do commute by car the biggest pain is car parking - spaces are at a premium in Geneva and unless you have a car park with your job it can be a nightmare.  Even getting into a park and ride can mean a long waiting list.  I have about a hour hour commute each way, parking in a p&r and getting public transport across town which is longer than going the motor way but a lot less stressful and with a guaranteed space.

They have just opened a new section of the autoroute which makes it a lot easier to get to Annecy, I think in about 45 min.

http://www.frontalier.com/ might also help.  There are literally thousands crossing the border from France to Geneva each day and although there can be a bit more paperwork at the start, there are specialist mutuelles, bank accounts etc especially for frontaliers.  I find it is the best of both worlds - a city where you can continue to work but you can also live in a more rural community. 



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Many thanks everyone. Very useful info. I've commuted into London, Paris, Barcelona and Cologne they are all as bad as each other, I suppose I shouldn't expect Geneva to be any easier.

We are going to drive down and spend the weekend looking around, and now we've got some starting points. Then I just need to to convince herladyship that snow is not actually harmful to human health.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Odile

We had a great weekend. We stayed in Annecy, Gex, and drove around a lot. Herladyship liked the area aroung Thonen les Bains. A pity it wasn't summer, but she's happy, it helps that she's got a sister just south of Lyon, so not too far away. So, far so good. Early next month I will meet my future PdG, if that goes well, I'll say yes to the transfer. Sensibly I will be aiming to start in June/July. Still living in France is the clincher, (but she hates Paris) I'm sure Switzerland is wonderful, but once it used to be fun moving countries, now it is tedious, we simply getting a bit irritated constantly learning new bureaucracies, etc, the other option of Fribourg is therefore a definite NO.

One further question, herladyship loves EastEnders (she thinks it teaches her about the British way of life[:D]), can you get sat-Freeview that far south?

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