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Complete France Forum

Dog/Cat Sitting

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We are very new to this forum, but we are sure that other people must experience the same problem as us. At the moment if we need to return to England only one of us can go, as one of us needs to stay to look after the animals. We have only been living here a couple of months are not confident to ask our neighbours, or know of any kennels to care for them, if we both return. With the summer approaching, and not wishing to take seperate holidays we wondered wether anyone has got any experience of, or is prepared to dog/cat sit ( Shepherd/lab cross, who is placid and 2 cats 1, timid and 1 friendly) with view to return the favour. Or can advise in any kennels in the St Cere area 46 Lot. We would welcome any comments.

Jan & Mark.
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