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bank managers


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I have just wasted a day of my life toing and froing with a new bank manager on a certain matter. To add insult to injury my accountant discovered, at the end of the day, that she was lying through her pearlies.Her ineptitude to understand accounts, supreme arrogance and rudeness were at levels I have never encountered before from bankers both here and in the UK.

My question is; has anyone had any success writing to the head honcho at the bank's HQ and got any type of result from a strong letter of complaint.

Thanks for any comments.

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Sorry I may as well not have wasted my time. Head Office refered me back to the Manager, our problem was with a lying conseiller, the Manager did not seem to mind that his conseiller was a liar. So we moved our account. And no one batted an eye lid about that either.
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I had a falling-out with a certain large French bank, and chanced to moan about it in front of some new French friends.  Well, it turned out that the husband was a banker, and in fact had once had the manager of my branch as his pupil.  "Give me the background, and I'll get on to him and give him a rocket," he said. 

Next morning I had a grovelling phone call from the manager, deeply apologetic, saying that of course they realised this was no way to treat clients of 20+ years' standing etc.  

RESULTT!!! [:D] [:D]

'Tain't what you know in France, it's who you know... [Www]


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[quote user="Loiseau"]

'Tain't what you know in France, it's who you know... [Www]



I very much fear this is exactly so - if you know the right person you WILL get a result - if you don't, much less chance.

You do have the final recourse which is to leave the bank, but that gives you a lot of work, and they all seem to be much of muchness.

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Your experiences seem to echo our, Wilko, at two different banks. At the second one our (french) accountant said he had never before met anyone so rude and obstructive! 

The problem, IMO, is that the so called 'managers' that you deal with in France have neither the depth of knowledge nor the authority to actually make decisions as they do in the U.K.

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Thanks for all your replies. As one of you said leaving the bank is a lot of work. Rob Roy I thought I might get a result if I wrote to the CEO of the bank, local bank managers..........I wouldn't give half of them any sort of job.

Best W
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