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Station d'epuration

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We have submitted a Permis de Construire which includes our 'request' to use a mini station d'epuration instead of a fosse septique (or FTE) due to future increased demand (gites).

At present SPANC 47 the office dealing with this aspect of the PDC application have requested a soil study. A prospective supplier of the station d'epuration (Neve) have advised me that a soil study is not necessary as the system produces in effect clean water that can be put into a watercourse (if I have got this bit right).

Has anybody experience of this type of installation in Lot et Garonne or indeed elsewhere.

There is also, it seems, a requirement to get permission from my neighbour if I put the treated water into a fosse (ditch) that runs from a point d'eau across our land onto his land. I will make the assumption that if I ask him he will say no which leaves me the option of directing into the roadside fosse.

Any help, giudance, recommendations for suppliers or advice gratefully received.


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