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rental wanted in toulouse area

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Currently living in 46 but need to rent a small house/gite or flat in the Toulouse area or outskirts but on the airport side as of September for approx 18 months for myself - a teacher, and my 2 teenage daughters, who will be attending school. Does anyone know who best to approach apart from the depeche du midi and immobiliers?

Also has anyone any experience of sending their children to Victor Hugo international school in Colombiers? My 16 year old girl's french is really not good and I'm looking for a sympathetic school for her.
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  • 3 weeks later...
There are lots of ( immobiliers) agencies in Blagnac and Colomiers, do not leave it late to go and look. I had a similar time frame as you a couple of years ago, and when I visited the agencies in April, they all said no problem, come back in July. I did, and there was only one house and about 2 apartments available- and I visited every agency around the side of Toulouse close to Colomiers. All the university students were hunting for accomodation at the same time. You could try putting up a card in the English Bookshop in the centre of Toulouse. There is a big expat community in the area , and you could try contacting Americans in Toulouse ( they have a website) or the International Church in Cornebarrieu, because they often know of expats who are returning home, and will be vacating rental property in the next month or two. Sorry can't help you about the schooling.

Good luck!
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