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When we arrive in July we will be needing to buy some beds (amongst other things!!) Will be living in Lempzours, 10 mins 'ish' from Brantome.

Do any local retailers have websites I can browse before we move?

We will be specifically looking for a single bed, with another bed underneath which you can pull out (if you understand what I mean??)


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Hi Liz,

There are plenty of big stores in both Perigueux and (probably)Limoges where you can buy this type of thing.

You can try this link & perhaps others can add to it:


There are a lot of "literie" shops in Perigueuex - I just can't remember the names of them. I don't know Limoges very well & shopping info for that area would come under the "Central France" thread.

You could also try the "Useful Links" archives on this Forum as I'm sure there were a whole heap of shopping websites posted on there at one time.

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Hi Lizzie

Wondered where you had got to?

Perigueux has a But on the LeClerc complex at Trelissac. There is also a Conforama next to the Buffalo Grill at Boulazac

Literie shops all over the place - opposite Carrefour at Boulazac, next to Zenith Luminaires near the Peugeot Garage and also on the huge Peri Ouest complex at Marsac.

Are you still in touch with Debbie? She will be able to help you out.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Lizzie
We are moving to France from Dubai in July too( can't wait), and are setting up a furniture business called THE LIME TREE - LE TILLUEL as we found it hard to find nice furniture for our house we bought 3 years ago near Eyment( just south of Bergerac). We ended up at Ikea and regret it now. Our first shipment won't arrive until Oct/Nov too late for you, but come and see us if you need anything else in the future. We will be doing the markets in the area to start and hopefully get a shop in a years time. Good luck with your move.
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