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So where is South West France

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LAST EDITED ON 07-Jul-04 AT 00:16 AM (BST)

Is there a accepted definition of SW France? The subject has come up in other threads so I thought I'd pose the question.
Here in the Ariege we are geographically in the Eastern Hemisphere and I have to say I used to think we lived in Eastern France - until my good lady pointed at a map of France where it appears (to me) that anywhere West of Perpignan and South of Clermont-Ferrand is SW France. Is there an official definition anybody is aware of?

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I don't know the answer to your question - officially France is divided into regions.

However, the divisions in this forum correspond to the areas used in Living France magazine for the property adverts. SW France in LF terms is the regions of Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrenees. It's their magazine, they provide the funding, they can define SW France anyway they like.
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>AT 00:16AM (BST)
> Is there a accepted
>definition of SW France? The
>subject has come up in
>other threads so I thought
>I'd pose the question.
> Here in the Ariege
>we are geographically in the
>Eastern Hemisphere and I have
>to say I used to
>think we lived in Eastern
>France - until my good
>lady pointed at a map
>of France where it appears
>(to me) that anywhere West
>of Perpignan and South of
>Clermont-Ferrand is SW France.
>Is there an official definition
>anybody is aware of?

I have a full colour pullout from LF magazine from some time back here on my office wall which clearly defines the 14 regions of France together with their departmentb numbers.

South West France is officially the following depts:

24 Dordogne
32 Gers
33 Gironde
40 Landes
47 Lot et Garonne
64 Pyrnees atlantiques
65 Pyrnees hautes.

If anyone would like other regions and their depts please ask;


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We are at the bottom end of Charente Maritime 17 and considered West France, but we define ourselves as SW France because we are 40 mins from Bordeaux which is our nearest departmental capital (La Rochelle is officially 17's capital). You wouldnt believe the hassles that this sometime causes, but hey ho we live with it because it is such a lovely corner edge of the Dordogne/Gironde and Charente Maritime.

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LAST EDITED ON 07-Jul-04 AT 10:00 AM (BST)

>Here in the Ariege
>we are geographically in the
>Eastern Hemisphere and I have
>to say I used to
>think we lived in Eastern

According to the LF pullout, Ariege (09) is officially in the south west corner of "Pyrenes" region of France. BUT to further confuse you have a look at this site;



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  • 2 weeks later...
The SNCF count Perpignon as SW France and that sounds right to me. It seems incredible that those of you who live around Perpignon and the Pyrenees can be counted as SE France, we live in SE France, not that far from the Swiss and Italian borders are a good 8-9 hour drive away from you, how on earth can we be in the same 'region'?

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So why do so many replies take into account the position in the hemisphere?
I presume they are thinking that if you are east of the meridian then you must be in the east of the country..
So everyone in Germany lives in East Germany. I think a few years ago that would have caused a few raised eyes.
A line from Paris to Montpelier defines the division between East and West France.
Perpignan is most definately in South West France
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We've been through this one before I seem to remember ... to back it up ....

09 - Ariege - where you are =SW France
11 - Aude - where I am =SE France


04 - phone numbers - you would be 05

Weather - always SE as we are in the Languedoc you are in the Midi-Pyrenees

Radio/TV - always get Montpellier broadcasts as we are covered by their sateillites or whatever they use (please don't start going into that one .. I have very little knowledge of airwaves and don't really want to start learning! )

If you look up most things for 11/66/34/13/12 you start in the Languedoc area ... which definately falls into the SE area of France.

Admittedly it can be confusing when you do live close to the 09 border!


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