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Getting settled in Toulouse

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Hi there

I live in Toulouse, have been here for 2 weeks, and havent a clue in how to get going as quick as possible.Im learning french, not fluent, but wanted to know if anyone knows of anything or anyone who may be able to assist me in a)finding a job quite fast and b)help for foreigners in Toulouse??I have been advised to look at a website called "americans in toulouse", but have tried contacting them and to no avail.

Other than that, Im a bit stuck as to where to turn to next...

Any feedback would be most appreciated.


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I had at first thought that this might be a wind up post. However, I'll answer anyway.  

If you are non eu citizen then you need to go and see the Prefecture about getting your identity card and status to work sorted out....... (you mentioned contacting americans in toulouse).

If you are an eu citizen, then you should go to your local ANPE office and register for employment with them, you could try interim agencies too.  You also need to get health care sorted out with the CPAM.

Personally, I do not know how you expect to find work without french.



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Thanks for your reply to my message.

No its not a wind up post, I really wanted to get as much advice as possible to help me here in Toulouse.

As I mentioned, I am learning French, as this will take time, I am sure that Im not the only person in this sort of situation, and quite possibly people like us may be able to get a job without using french immediatly.

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I don't know whether you realise it but unemployment is very high in France. Lots of well qualified people can't get work, so unless you have a speciality, it is hard for me to imagine anyone wanting to take you on without french. And even when you are fluent, you will be in competition with french people for jobs.

You didn't mention what you do etc, so I'll stick with you at least registering at your local ANPE.

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[quote]Hi thereI live in Toulouse, have been here for 2 weeks, and havent a clue in how to get going as quick as possible.Im learning french, not fluent, but wanted to know if anyone knows of anything or any...[/quote]

Perhaps a stupid question, but what brought you to France / Toulouse. Did you have a plan before coming as to what you were going to do ? Were you aware of the  process for non-EU citizens to register/work in France?

Fortunately Toulouse has one of the lowest employment rates in the region. Unfortunately as previously mentioned most jobs require at least minimal french and the french are tough on having written qualifications.

As a starting point , either the mairie or their web site www.toulouse.fr

best regards




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