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Charente Maritime - anyone?

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Having looked at many areas searching for a property (we live in 85 at pres, we like it but time to move) we may look around south of Royan towards Blaye on the Gironde estuary

Anyone from these parts and have you enjoyed living there, what are the pro's and cons.?



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If you look at the property pages in the Living France magazine, you will see that advertisements for property are arranged in arbitrarily defined regions. They follow the same regions on this site.

Since the magazine publishers own this site they can define regions any way they like.


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The beaches at Royan are amazing, but the town itself was bombed to bits near the end of WW2, so it's mainly 50's and 60's visible from the beaches. The area around Royan - my impression of it is that it is very very flat, and windy.

Just a few miles south there are some lovely smaller beaches, ports and coastline around/near Meschers, I would reckon these are the first 'swimming' beaches on the estuary, but am happy to be corrected on this. 

The whole area you mention, because of it's proximity to the ocean, seems to have a lot of new build including holiday homes. We saw some nice houses there recently, but quite a few of the owners had sold off land and so the old houses were surrounded by new pavillions, with accompanying chaos.

The countryside around Blaye is beautiful, that part of the estuary is gorgeous, and it's unlikely they will be digging up the vines round there! Expensive though, especially if you hanker after a trad house with a view of the estuary.

I do think it's good that you have narrowed your search area down to the extent you have. There are 3 estate agents in Gemozac, and loads in both Royan and Saintes many of whome will have houses in the areas you are looking in. There are at least 2 agents in Blaye, and of course some Notaires will have houses on their books too.

Good luck with your search.




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Charente maritime has some excellent property and interesting sites...it is easy to find prices attractive throughout. In those regions heading shall we say loosely between Limoges and the coast direction via Charente and even say down as far the Pyranees keep great vigilence concerning termite infestations.Don't leap into what are sometimes staggeringly interesting properties without full building and pest reports. A lot of alien restoration of grand houses through those regions in the 90's was tacky and poor...look after your own interests, there is always another property.You are generally better there dealing through Notaires and French agents who are well aware of the intricacies traps and consequeces.



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In the region you describe, as far as Termite infestations, to my knowledge, the seller is obliged to give the buyer a report on a few items and an extremely recent (it used to be within days of the sale)Termite report certificate is definitely one of the obligations for the seller to have done and given to any prospective buyer before any sale.


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[quote]Having looked at many areas searching for a property (we live in 85 at pres, we like it but time to move) we may look around south of Royan towards Blaye on the Gironde estuary Anyone from these part...[/quote]

Hi-yes, we are in exactly the area you describe. It is fantastic- we liked it so much that we bought another house in the same area. The Estuary seems a bit like the land that time forgot and it has a "special" atmosphere.We get the benefit of the Gulf stream so we are usually a couple of degrees warmer than inland- today it got up to 25 C here!! I could go on...perhaps that's enough for now?


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Tresco, I'm surprised our paths haven't crossed when house hunting, we were out recently in this area and viewed an excellent range of properties.  You're spot on about about the countryside around Blaye and it is a dear little town too, as is nearby Bourg, which must be heavenly in the summer.  It has a real seaside feel to it even in mid winter.  But it's easy commuting distance to Bordeaux so property is priced accordingly.  My OH is concerned about the huge nuclear reactor up the river but these are surely a fact of life in most parts of France?  Personally, I love those beautiful white limestone "Girondines", many of which have been very tastefully renovated by predominantly French owners.  And a number come with small vineyards too.  Got the impression -though could be wrong - that there wasn't a huge British expat community in this area.  Prices are heftier closer to the river and the further east, ie towards Bordeaux one goes.  But the area has a lot going for it, nuclear power station aside, we're very fond of it.


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Yes, it's a beautiful area (10 years here), but, unless your funds are unlimited, look just a little inland to find the "same" property for significantly less than those with a sea or estuary view - and you will also avoid the crowds in July and August.

We have been thinking (and looking) to move elsewhere in France, but after each trip to another region, we are always happy to get back to Charente Maritime.

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We're a bit inland from the estuary - between Saintes and Royan - but can only agree with the others that it's a lovely area (oops, my bias is showing!) However, as has been mentioned, it can get a bit windy sometimes (which, on a hot day, is actually a good thing!) and, to quote my mum (86, never been abroad) "It's just like Norfolk!" followed by  "On those programmes on the telly, people buy houses with beautiful rolling hills and scenery, but here it's flat!" Not strictly true, but it's flatter than other areas! It's true that, away from the coast, property is a bit older and cheaper, and although I love the area, Royan isn't the prettiest of towns and can look downright depressing on a rainy day in winter. Saintes, however, is a very pretty town, and does have a bit more in the way of hills, if you have a mother like mine!

What it definitely isn't, these days, is a Brit-free zone, and I don't think there are fewer of us around this area than elsewhere. When we moved into our small (1500 people) village, we discovered that 3 other families had all arrived to become permanent residents within 3 WEEKS (making a total of 5 with us plus one couple already there).



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Yes its true Miki ..one of the great chasms between French and other species of 'agents' is honesty. The French records so show...and my personal experience adds to that.

The Notiare is obliged to indicate the termite infestations and any vendor  aware, or who ought to be aware of an infestation is also so required....

You will note that until I raised the enormously important issue of termites nothing ie NOTHING of it was raised elsewhere on the site where I can see.....as is generally the case in my emails, I slip teh dagger in where mot effective!!...be grateful...I am vasty more qualified than formally un-educated english pseudo-agents and have considerable French experience.

I will continue until banned from the site...a threat already...to raise pertinent points re property shonkers in France most of whom are not french but are teribly personable and enchanting of Brits.... Don't be put off by sneers at me..I am vastly more honest and educated in property and appropriate law than most if not all alien agents and can readily apply it to french nuances.   

As for Brit free zones..don't you think my pointed comments throughout the forum, where I have already been warned as well as accused of such laughable traits as 'racism'  for being perceptive...have a point. The Dordoigne in 1999 (so said my soured counsellor from Rochechouart) had at least 5 cricket clubs and a conkers comp..how very French!! The French were NOT appreciative.....and the english paranoia of home places such as Brixton should make it clear that people have fears of change as well they should.

What I suggest is use of the French property resources for several reasons rather than merely slipping back into a sort of uk Brigadoon, Now reinforced by others I indicated great apprerciation of the Charente maritime and have been heartened by support......BUT iunswervingly invest in full building reports and ignore agency waffle....then live the great dream as a New-chum French person in France...when you see Gypsy encampments there too..don't be charmed...seek advice...


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Yes its true Miki ..one of the great chasms between French and other species of 'agents' is honesty. The French records so show...and my personal experience adds to that.

The Notiare is obliged to indicate the termite infestations and any vendor  aware, or who ought to be aware of an infestation is also so required....

You will note that until I raised the enormously important issue of termites nothing ie NOTHING of it was raised elsewhere on the site where I can see.....as is generally the case in my emails, I slip teh dagger in where mot effective!!...be grateful...I am vasty more qualified than formally un-educated english pseudo-agents and have considerable French experience.

I will continue until banned from the site...a threat already...to raise pertinent points re property shonkers in France most of whom are not french but are teribly personable and enchanting of Brits.... Don't be put off by sneers at me..I am vastly more honest and educated in property and appropriate law than most if not all alien agents and can readily apply it to french nuances.   

As for Brit free zones..don't you think my pointed comments throughout the forum, where I have already been warned as well as accused of such laughable traits as 'racism'  for being perceptive...have a point. The Dordoigne in 1999 (so said my soured counsellor from Rochechouart) had at least 5 cricket clubs and a conkers comp..how very French!! The French were NOT appreciative.....and the english paranoia of home places such as Brixton should make it clear that people have fears of change as well they should.

What I suggest is use of the French property resources for several reasons rather than merely slipping back into a sort of uk Brigadoon, Now reinforced by others I indicated great appreciation of the Charente maritime and have been heartened by support......BUT you Francophiles-to - be....unswervingly invest in full building reports and ignore English agency waffle....then live the great dream as a new-chum French person in France...

Oh yes...when you see Gypsy encampments there too..don't be mean to them but also don't be charmed.and buy next door.....seek advice...you may be shocked...


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Plato, the issue of termites in Charente Maritime was raised quite recently. A forum member, Athene is very knowledgable about the problem.

As I understand it, the house sale cannot proceed if termites are present. They must be eradicated, at the vendors expense, but the problem for the purchaser does not end there. The new owner of the property has to then pay for checks at 5 and 10 yearly intervals, the examinations relating to wood, and other elements of the structure.

Sorry not to be more specific, perhaps if Athene reads this she will share her understanding again.


EDIT sorry, just seen I have repeated info Miki gave earlier.

I agree with the comments about Saintes. It's a great place. Have you been there Scoobydoo?

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  • 2 weeks later...

We live in the southernmost tip of the Charente-Maritime and can recommend it most highly.  We are 40 mins from a large city (Bordeaux), half an hour from Blaye and 45mins to the Beaches of Royan & Meschers.  The village we live in is rural and thriving, lots of fetes in the summer where other villageois come and join in too. It is green and beautiful in the Spring/Summer/Autumn.  In Winter it feels isolated and very cold.  Depends on what you want, mountains, sea, countryside. 


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We too live in the southernmost part of 17, and wondering if there might be others like minded, we posted the following in "another place" with a singular lack of success (bar one). The same posting is repeated here to see if we can engender any interest.

"I have just visited the excellent Limousin ex pats web site:-
and must commend them on, what seems to be, an exciting initiative.

Is anyone in Southern Charente Maritime/Charente interested in doing something similar in "our" area? There are enough of us, and perhaps between us we could start something up.

If you would like to be involved, reply to this posting, and let's see what we might do."


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