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Identyfying Wood Boring Insect - Help

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Hello everyone,

For the last couple of days we've been hearing funny scratching noises coming from the wood under the roof of our barn.  It's been driving me potty trying to figure out what is is.  This morning there is was again... this time though I noticed whilst looking up tiny flecks of saw dust floating down from a hole about 8-10mm in diameter.  Then I saw it, something black and big.  Got the husband to come investigate.  He's managed to stab it with a craft knife and get it out of the hole.  It's about an Inch long, black with dark blue wings and 6 short hairy legs.  Anyone have any idea's????


Jules - Montagrier (24)

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Hi Jules

We're also in 24 and have had the same problem this last week.

I reckon it's a Violet Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa violacea).

I don't like spraying but when it's between them and my barn roof there's no real contest. We used ordinary insecticide. It seems to have worked.  You have to spray the hole too because they've left eggs behind. My neighbour says, "C'est pas grave."


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