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What's the "official" exchange rate for this year, svp?


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I know it was weeks ago when this was first brought up but I can't find the relevant thread.

So, what is the rate that "most" tax offices are accepting this year, please?

Parsnips?  Sunday Driver?  Anyone else?


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I emailed our local tax office at Montpellier this

morning and asked the question as to what would be the official exchange

rate for paying tax. I have just received a reply which gives a

statutory notice of some sort and lists the rate to use for a number of


Against Royaume-Uni it  quotes that the rate as at 1st

January 2011 was £0.8608 to the Euro and as at 31st December 2011 it was

£0.8353 to the Euro so the taux moyenne over the year would equate to

0.84805 for 1 Euro and then converts that to £1.17918.

Having now asked I shall have to stick with that!!!!

Taken from a previous posting

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Thanks, guys!  I was hoping the answer would be less [6]

So....I think I'll stick to actual rates when the money was received.

Just to illustrate:

The rate on 8 July was 1.11957, on 2 Sept was 1.13778 and on 22 dec was 1.2012

You win some and you lose some, I suppose.


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According to The Connexion (yeah yeah I know) the average rate for 2011 was 1.1522.

I only quote that to illustrate the length of a piece of string.

Ultimately, whatever number you decide to use you have to be able to justify it it challenged, that is really all there is to it.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

I know it was weeks ago when this was first brought up but I can't find the relevant thread.

So, what is the rate that "most" tax offices are accepting this year, please?

Parsnips?  Sunday Driver?  Anyone else?


Tell me this is a wind-up SW17.

Coops is currently taking therapy over this whole subject and a renewal might just be the final straw.

Go for the dartboard solution.

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[quote user="AnOther"]You do write some incomprehensible sh1te PPP !  Just for the record is English your 1st language or are you trying to prove something ???[/quote]I think he's trying to impress us. 

As far as I'm concerned, he's failing.

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[quote user="Gardian"]

Tell me this is a wind-up SW17.

Coops is currently taking therapy over this whole subject and a renewal might just be the final straw.

Go for the dartboard solution.


Well, Coops has kept mum so she must be still away er....recooperating?

As for the dartboard, I always aim for double top 20 with first dart [:)]

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I assume that Bugsy contacted his local tax office to get the rate, and that's what I do too! Then I have an official reply to keep and use if necessary to justify my conversions. Not that my income tax is going to set France on course for economic recovery.
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[quote user="allanb"][quote user="AnOther"]You do write some incomprehensible sh1te PPP !  Just for the record is English your 1st language or are you trying to prove something ???[/quote]I think he's trying to impress us. 

As far as I'm concerned, he's failing.

The post to which you refer contained a constructive receipt element AND an actual receipt element reflecting the two navel gazing conflicting ideologies of the thread.


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[quote user="cooperlola"][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q103/cooperlola/pchead.gif[/IMG][/quote]

Ah, so she's not actually reCOOPerating then?

Sorry, a good joke is always worth repeating, non?[:P]

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

[quote user="allanb"][quote user="AnOther"]You do write some incomprehensible sh1te PPP !  Just for the record is English your 1st language or are you trying to prove something ???[/quote]I think he's trying to impress us. 

As far as I'm concerned, he's failing.

The post to which you refer contained a constructive receipt element AND an actual receipt element reflecting the two navel gazing conflicting ideologies of the thread.



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[quote user="Boiling a frog"][quote user="pachapapa"]

[quote user="allanb"][quote user="AnOther"]You do write some incomprehensible sh1te PPP !  Just for the record is English your 1st language or are you trying to prove something ???[/quote]I think he's trying to impress us. 

As far as I'm concerned, he's failing.

The post to which you refer contained a constructive receipt element AND an actual receipt element reflecting the two navel gazing conflicting ideologies of the thread.

[/quote] Absolutly.[/quote][:)] (Although your version said it better, BaF).
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Now that I am filling in the declaration in the new way I think I was wrong (shock/horror) in an earlier post when I said that I could just put the total of the 12 transfers I received last year as being my income.

In fact those transfers were net, and under the new system I believe I should enter the gross amount.

Quite where I find it I am not sure, since the P60 is for the tax year March 2011-April 2012, not for the tax year 2011 as required in France....

Heigh Ho

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Norman, as the exchange rates etc are all based upon the date of receipt, what I did in your situation was to add up the gross amounts received in the calendar year and declare them (ie work from your own bank statements.)  I don't know if that's entirely correct but as long as the total amount you earn gets declared each year, then nobody loses do they?  I've never found an official way of doing this but of course it might be somewhere!
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Doesn't the pension service tell you what the sterling amount was gross for each one?  If so then take that gross amount, convert to euros using the daily rate shown for the day you got the net amount then add 'em up.  If you never get told what the original amount was except via the P60 then I agree, you're stuffed and I guess just have to declare a pro-rata sum for the number of weeks involved.

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