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Hi there,

If you go to France Telecom,s site, there is information on ADSL, a section will ask for your telephone number, and when you insert the number in the little box, it will tell you immediately if you are able to have ADSL. If the answer is no, you can contact them, and they will give you a rough timescale when it will be available to you.
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[quote]As far as I understand if 100 people or more ask for adsl in an area then Telecom will consider it, we came on line last year this way, but all France is supposed to get adsl in the next year or so......[/quote]

I think you will find that that is a UK thing, it is not the case here now anyway  We never signed up or asked for anything.  ADSL becomes available by area when your telephone exchange is converted for ADSL, that is why as suggested, you put your phone number into the FT site and they will tell you if/when ADSL is available,
If you are with Wanadoo they will also contact you to discuss modem changes and livebox etc. In some areas you will have to use Wanadoo as they are the only supplier.
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