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French courses - Pamiers

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French courses for foreigners recommence at the MJC in Pamiers in the week beginning September 19th and running until the end of June. Normally there are 30 sessions. There are four different levels. The proposed schedule is :

Mondays – 9am –10.30am Intermediares

               10 30am – midday Faux debutants

               5pm – 6.30pm Debutants

Tuesdays - 9am –10.30am Avancés (conversation)

                10.30am – midday Avancés (grammaire)

Debutants are absolute beginners and faux debutants would have a little french. The teacher will ensure that you are in the class that is best for you. In previous years the class size has varied between 4 and 9 people. The cost for the year is €150 if you do 1½ hours per week or €235 for 3 hours per week. There is a €16 MJC affiliation fee (which also gives you a benefits card). For further information you can call the MJC on 05 61 60 50 50. Alternatively just turn up for the class which suits you.

Jan Laury

****Additional information (25/09) - In previous years the teacher has been french and with an appropriate qualification in teaching french as a foreign language. However, this year they have not been able to find such a person and as a result the courses are being taught by a Dutchman who lives locally.

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