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Registering for work

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I've been here a year now and would like to get a part time job.

Does anyone have any advice on what I need to take to the ANPE (job centre) or what they might ask me.  I know I will not end up in the same employment I used to be in, but many yrs ago when I was a teenager.  I worked as a home help for a couple of years and would like to do this again.  Does anyone know what this type of work this is called and what the organisations are called that run them. It used to be social services in the uk, so any ideas on what the equivalent is here?

Also what are my chances of getting this sort of work? Once I'm registered I plan on doing the French course in Figeac that Clair mentioned on a previous thread in Figeac.  I have had private lesson for a yr and know the basics.

All replys will be greatly recieved.


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  • 5 months later...

I know a very good Dutchman who speaks fluent French and English . He is an accountant and depending on where you live he will go with you and fill in all your forms and help you in every way . He isnt expensive either and he will help you with tax forms etc and health cover etc.


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